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Astro Boy

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Posts posted by Astro Boy

  1. Alrighty then, as some of you may know last week i got a KE55 on Ebay for $1,000. Its totally not worth that, but hey, I wasn't paying for it! :(

    Flat out at 90km\h is about it. good on fuel tho, 8L every 100k's.


    I got many pic's for your entertainment.


    Looks like we got some work to do...





    One pic at a time.. Files are big... :(

    Just a quick note about me, i'm 13

    so don't flame me for being... me.



    >>>>>> Page 3 (where the project actually starts) - dismantling stuff. <<<<<<


  2. No sorry. I know that Windows Movie Maker hates my phone video format. I had a few good ones but couldn't create a movie. :P


    Feel your pain... i had burnouts, air, awsome hillclimbs...


    lesson learned i guess, next time i'll keep everything together and keep recording not short bursts

  3. I'm up for a riot.



    Graffiti the petrol stations and shit. I'd fight back.. Government is getting too greedy and I am not afraid to stop there awful sin ways..



    Hopefully our weekly wages will go up as well with the fuel prices.. Fuel is needed so many people will still buy fuel anyway.. Just like cigarettes..


    :P :cool: :dance: RRRIIIOOOTTT!! :dance: :fuzz: :fuzz


    Yeah everything goes up, including wages. I predict in 15 years a loaf of bread will be $29.99 and i'll be earning $200,000 at Hungry Jacks mopping up spew.

  4. CSIRO's prediction of fuel prices in a decade just hit me like a tonne of bricks...




    Which probably means autogas or LPG whatever its called is going to be $4??

    I'm a few years away from getting my licence and even driving a car... With prices that high i wouldnt be even able to afford to drive my corolla!

    What do YOU think is going to happen?


    I'm afraid... Very affraid... :P

  5. Joined as Omgucantbesrs

    I have a few vid, but they all have nothing to do with corollas... because i don't have one :dance: But i'll be getting my first corolla next week (also my first car!)


    Permission to post a 4x4 Subaru club vid? :dance: Even tho theres pretty much no subaru's in it... Altho there are a few landcruisers and prado's! Like a Corolla, but bigger. :cool:


    Showin off :P


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