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Great Ocean Rd Cruise 27-28th Jan '07 Aus Day Weekend


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Ok bitches.


I'm just about ready to leave.


Jarrad: Sam got his car going so he's in on the trip with his mates too, so will see you at Apollo Bay.


To everyone else who didn't make it this year, next year we will be doing the same thing, so I hope you can all make it.




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I hear you had overheating problems Sam. I need details. Do tell.


Yeah we did...I'm over this 4k! :D It started overheating just before keith. So we filled the radiator and kept going,only to stop every 80k's after that and fill it up again! I have bubbles so I'm thinking blown head gasket...again!! So this weekend, its all coming apart and I'm gonna suss it out, hopefully for good this time! (And ill fix that timing cover leak while I'm at it...)


Anyway how was you trip back mick? Stay in Mt Gambier?

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Hey Phil. Just a quick word that the mods will come down on ya if you don't type properly.


Justin: No, thats not all the pics. I just haven't had time to go through them all yet so I thought I'd put some teasers up.


Sam: Story goes that we did the rest of The Great Ocean Road and got to Portland at about 5.30pm. Setup camp at the Centenary Caravan Park (which was quite nice might I add) and then got some KFC, did a few more photo's and then got an early night.


Up at 6.30am and away at 7.30am, we made our way to Mount Gambier, had breakfast at HJ's and then continued on to Keith. Nays drove from just before Naracoorte to Keith and I drove the rest of the way, including Portland-Heywood-Mt. Gambier.


Got back here at 2.50pm. Chilled for a while and that was that.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok, have some news re-video.

Nick has had a kind word to me reguarding the content of the vid and as such I have removed it from public viewing for the time being. I have not been told to do this but I felt it needed to be done. I must admit, the street racing part was not a sensible thing. Even though it was fun at the time it shouldnt be looked back on in a video as something that is acceptable. That also includes some camera whore action!

During my haste to get something up for everyone to view I didnt even think of the problems this might cause for the people involved and Rollaclub itself.


So I send my appologies to Nick (in no way is he a bad guy here, just doing the right thing and looking out for everyone and the site) and to all of the people from the run. If I put anything up after this I will be making sure I'm thinking straight beforehand and keep it "clean" as such.


Anyway, we will have to get some of Teddy's photos up once he gets them! he took a stack! can't wait to see the ones of our saturday night entertainment!


Sorry again ,


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