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5k Info Wanted

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Just been cleaning up a 5K I have ready to install it into a car of mine. But I was interested to know about the carby they run. As the one on this 5K I have is well dead. So I want to use the one off my 3K will it be jetted right?


Also does anyone know the compression one of thee 5K's run? Mine is a dished piston motor if that helps?




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as far as what i found on the net the other night, u should be able to use a carb from any K series motor, and I'm not sure what compression they have,


P.S. would u sell this motor to me for the right price, or are u totally keen to use it yourself

P.S.S i also live in ipswich, we've met before through a fella named simon with the gemmy,

Edited by KETO_kid
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With the carby I need this to be a weekend job so I think when 5K goes in car soon I hope (can't afford 5L of oil for the 4K every week) I will use my old 3K one I have on my 4K now. BUT then ill pull the 5K one apart and transfer all the jets into my spare 4K one and then use it.

Ok carby sorted.



Also does anyone know how much talk to put on the fly wheel bolts. i know 3K torque settings are in the FAQ but are they all the same?


Also can I get pictures of electronic dizzys posted here in a bit of a lose here with mine just looking at what wires I need where and how to hook it all up and the vac system to it so pictures appreciated.


Also I need the yellow book or a manual way to get the dizzy to lign up. As I think the guy who rebuilt my 5K put the dizzy in a tooth out so I want to double cheak it but not 100% sure on how so if anyone has that info also appreciated.




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Actually I found out today that the electric dizzy on a 5K with the two vacuum chambers both are for advance BUT. The outer can if connected will only pull it 12 degrees around but the inner on closest to the dizzy it's self will advance it 18 degrees. So I this should do for a boost application stock as I believe taz_rx left his zip tied to 20 degrees when he had a CT12 on his 4K?


Also my 5K has the oil filter housing that has no pressure by-pass spring on it like the old 3K in the KE10 had. What is better to use. I have both styles laying around at home and well will there be a difference in use or what? I will add a pic below of this filter adapter I have so show you the different.





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I;m with you kickin 5K as the standard will be ditched soon with a supercharger and SU replacement..LOL So down with Asian..lol


Also any info you can share with us on 5K motors as like to build up bit of a info thing on them here any info on 5K's is good info.



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MMM twin carb manifold I want ;)


With the K carby I believe there all the same as I am running a 3k cary on a a4K no problems and computer at a mechanics shops say's it all find so I will see how I go.


Well I can make the pollution system look gone BUT takes time 4 bolts 3K carby on adn off we go. Car will be a daily driver BUT the SC isn't going on straight away after it is on it will still be a daily driver but so if you don't mind ??


As before the SC14 goes on I need some cheap extractors an electric fuel pump and a thermo fan so if anone has those parts going cheap.??


5K I have a fair amount of info here just stuff similar to FAQ but here is some info that might help people:

electric dizzy should have 2 wires coming from it one for +ve side of coil usually black with red stripe and the other one to the -ve side of coil and its just plain black.


Also I was told the dual port vacuum wasnt advance or retard but one was like 12 deg and the other was like 18 deg advance the one going straight in is 12 deg and the vertical entrance one is 18.





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