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My Ke25...back Off The Road

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hey guys. cheers for the support. I am ok but i can't say much for non retracting seatbelts. chest is still very sore for a low speed impact.


What happened was i came around a left hand corner and the steering wheel came out of my hand mid corner and straightened the car up, heading straight for the truck stopped at the lights going the other ay. got the steering wheel back but couldnt swing it back around far enough and hit the back wheels of the truck. Michael who was behind me at the time says that my back wheel hit the inside gutter which is probably what caused the jolt of the steering wheel out of my hand.


Its very disheartening, but amazing how much support i had from my friends and workmates, even though it wasnt all that serious.


i am unsure what ill be doing with the car. I wont be getting rid of that is for sure. Depending on the condition of the chassis i might repair it during a rebuild for the road, or if its too bad ill get is as close to straight as i can and ill use it for track.


Its not as overrated as it looks in the pictures and i havent actually put that much work into it. Its all been Basic cosmetics to get it looking as good as i can with what i had. It has a bit of rust coming through in patches, has a lot of bog which is cracking in places, paint is fairly dodgy around the edges, crowsfoot in places, etc etc.


I'm going to stip it down and go from there i guess. Will keep this thread updated more. Ill also upload some more photo's when i get them off my camera.




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