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My Random Clip


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No, didn't stop to put the doors back on...... :P Half were quite ruined from the manner in which they were removed. (They were jammed from the argument I had with the tree, so brute force prevailed)

snagglepuss edited it in that way for a clean(ish) ending for the clip, he did a brilliant job with it, I contacted him last night @ about 4am and said "Hey man, can you make a clean mix of this footage..........Right now? Then host it on Youtube in the morning?"


The ledgend that he is, he bloody did it too....... :)


Yes, doors are over rated, they weigh you down, ratchet straps FTW. They were good at keeping me in the car the way they were positioned though. :bash:


Safety is something everyone should consider when purchasing a new car.......... "Why doesn't this car have doors? Isn't that dangerous?" "Not at all, it saves weight, and these ratchet straps here are 'ANCAP 5 star specials', just don't stick your hands out" :bash:


But seriously, next time it'll be a roll cage, harnesses, and huge air, and probably broken ribs....... :yes: Time off work! YAY!

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