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Full Day Driver Training - 11 June


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We have booked this day, and aiming it at the inexperienced driver or the driver who wishes to learn a lot more about themselves and their car. It will be held at Mt Cotton Driver Training Centre, and cover aspects of car control, wet/dry braking, skid avoidance/control as well as seating, vision etc. It will be limited to 16 starters and we will have 5 instructors present.


Cars need to be roadworthy, road legal and registered, participants must be licensed. Cost will be $162 including lunch.


If you are interested, please email [email protected] to register. Be quick, I expect this to fill fairly quickly.


These courses are really good, and very good value for money. I'd recommend it to anyone who wants to learn more about the limits of themselves and their car.

Edited by demuire
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Sideline Driver Training Day

All day 11 June

Mt Cotton Driver Training Centre

$162 including lunch


We have booked this day, and aiming it at the inexperienced driver or the driver who wishes to learn a lot more about themselves and their car.


It will be held at Mt Cotton Driver Training Centre, and cover aspects of car control, wet/dry braking, skid avoidance/control as well as seating, vision etc.


It will be limited to 16 starters and we will have 5 instructors present.


Cars need to be roadworthy, road legal and registered, participants must be licensed.



To register, email [email protected]. Be quick, as registrations are likely to be filled fairly quickly.

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The van would go sideways rather well on the skidpan, I've seen even a minibus on the pan :D


One of the instructors (Paul) regularly demonstrates the autocross track in his HSV Holden Jackaroo, and it hasn't rolled yet, so maybe the van would work :)


Looks like I'll be there too...

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Yeh, I'd say a van would be fine.


The aforementioned Paul showing proper delivery driver technique in an urvan. I'm fairly sure it was diesel as well.


I've got to find out if we can go to this, we're going to find snow sometime in june/july but unsure of the exact date. I'll try and workit out soon, don't want to miss out :/




PS: can't have too many SkidVan photos....


All it needs is some cell shading, some scattered Kanji, and you've got a new anime series.

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