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Help! New Seat??


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Hey guys,


I own a 89 rolla sx and am getting taller and taller

it is becoming a problem and i need to know what i can do.

new rails??

new seat?

i was thinkin maybe a camry seat?

would they fit??

any help will be appreciated


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Having said that, how tall are you? And is the problem height (ie head hitting roof, or knees hitting steering wheel) or length (legs bunching up)


And just bolting in another seat from another car probably won't solve your problem, chances are they'll be just as big or bigger (and Camry seats tend to be quite big and comfy, as it's a family car), it's a real luck-of-the-draw

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Having said that, how tall are you? And is the problem height (ie head hitting roof, or knees hitting steering wheel) or length (legs bunching up)


And just bolting in another seat from another car probably won't solve your problem, chances are they'll be just as big or bigger (and Camry seats tend to be quite big and comfy, as it's a family car), it's a real luck-of-the-draw



thanks for your help, I'm 6'6 so its my legs that are pushing it, headroom is fine, ill try the wreckers for a camry seat and see how it goes.

thanks again

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yeah id suggest some sort of bucket/racing seat


i recenetly put a recaro bucket in my ke, its a recliner style.


but i swear i sit like 80mm lower, and can sit 100mm+ further back.


also if you get a recliner style seat, the seat mounts on the bottom are very easy to move further back so you can get more leg room.

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