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About ke70dave

  • Birthday 06/03/1987

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    Brisbane 4178

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  1. Yup, but in all my renos I haven't really had much chance to use it. but its ready to go if ever needed. We can both figure out how to use it hah
  2. If you need to use a lathe you are welcome to drop into my place. Ive got a small one hiding in the garage.
  3. Good to see you've still got it. I hope life is treating you well up north:)
  4. Rebuild the carby, don't go replacing it with an oddball carb. https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/223140575858
  5. Well apparently 3yrs has gone by. And to be honest basically nothing has changed. AC still works great, mega squirt has been totally reliable. haven't touched the tune for years now. starts immediately every time. Although I did relocate the battery to the boot as above, and this allowed me to really tidy up the engine bay. The coils now site where the battery was and alot of the wiring was able to be tided up Car gets out most weeks for a drive or two, I take it to coffee and cars every month, and euro day at lakeside raceway every few months. House renos have taken priority as one would expect and kids activities on the weekend, but the car is always ready to drive on the key if the opportunity arises if only for a trip to Bunnings to buy more plaster screws..... Heres a photo from the last coffee and cars. If you look up the rego on that rusty truck its actually a nissan patrol, body swapped with whatever that truck is. super cool. the variety at coffee and cars is pretty nice.
  6. yer i'm advocate for finding a decent 4age car already. you really need a smashed complete car to do an engine swap properly. loom, ecu, gearbox, drive shafts, brakes (your car prolly has drum brakes rear, 4age cars have rear disc rear brakes). My mate and I did it on a celica years ago, swapped a 3sge and everything over from a smashed "SX" into a 3sfe car. It was quite the job. worth it in this case as we did have a smashed complete car to get all the bits off, but it was basically rebuilding an entire car. I have seen some super nice ae92 SX and GTIs for sale for not much money lately, like 5k. The other issue is all these engines and parts are getting old, so if you try and piece it all together you'll have a hard time finding stuff, and when you do it probably needs to be reconditioned anyway. at least if its a running complete car there's a good chance most of the things will be in good condition. These cars are so old now they don't even want them at the wreckers.
  7. Yeah I saw a GR corolla the other day, I wasn't too impressed with the looks. The GR Yaris is similar but I dunno, seems to wear its ridiculous looks better. The Corolla looked a bit too try hard. Not to mention how much is a GR corolla worth? 65k! hah, I'm not paying that for a corolla. Save up a bit more and you can get an older Porsche!
  8. That would do it, but what good is money if you cant spend it on hooning about on dirt roads. and you've got to live up to that display picture...
  9. Razorback! that is a name I haven't heard for a long time. I remember meeting the guy who made them, a lonnnngg time ago. I found some posts from about 2006 on some forums on a google, and yep that's about when I met him. Bought some parts off him for my 4age ke70, way back when. https://tercel4wd.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=2077 Unless you can figure out the razorback yourself I think its not really worth pursuing - and without it being in front of me theres not much I can do to help. Piggy back ecus have always been a bit iffy, lots of guessing that whilst in the day the razorback was a neat bit of kit, without support (is there even still a website? manuals? I cant find any) it might be a bit hard to get anywhere. how do you tune it? does it have a hand controller? Is it still running a map sensor? if so is it suitable for positive pressure? (for your turbo). Something like a Haltech platinum sprint 500 might be worth looking at, they can be had real cheap second hand - couple of hundred bucks . very basic ecu these days, but more than enough to run a 4age. But you'll need to make a new loom, which would really tidy things up - but again, 4age is quite simple. How are you triggering the oem ecu? The bigport and smallport distributors and trigger patterns are wildly different. If you are getting spark of some description, and not getting any life out of it with starter spray that tells me that the ignition timing is miles out. id get a timing light, put it on injector one and see where its firing in regards to top dead centre. should be about 10 degrees before top dead Centre whilst starting. Where do you live?
  10. Just because its not listed on a catalogue doesnt mean a reputable piston manufacturer cant make it for you. custom pistons can be had. As an example - https://www.wiseco.com/custom-pistons/
  11. I don't understand why these potatoes don't just edit their old posts...I did - but I'm no potato.
  12. To be fair no-one ever fixes anything on the side of the road now. Even flat tyres people get towed away as they cant change it, and the racq ppl wont change it on the side of the road as its too dangerous. My dad always likes to tell the story when he had an old 70s corona and it overheated but dad was happy to limp it home, and the Racq guy who happened to stop wouldn't give him water to put in the car. Wouldn't do anything other than tow him for fear of litigation I suppose. and this was 30yrs ago! I remember us waiting in the car and dad walking off to find some water. but he did made it back with 4L of water and he got the car home. And I mean, I like fixing stuff, but if my 2015 dmax doesn't start, buggered if i know what I'm going to do on the side of the road. Apart form checking the fuses, I'm out of ideas haha.
  13. But all the tesla evangelists have been telling me that EV cars don't require maintenance.... Family member of ours has a tesla model y and had a small incident where they rubbed the quarter panel up against a post in a carpark. turns out there is like 3 tesla approved repair shops in Brisbane. Took them 4 months before anyone was even available to have a look at it to quote/order parts, let alone do the work.
  14. I reckon the closer to 2030 and 35 we get the more watered down the UKs rules will get. I think public opinion of EVs is changing, all those early adopters have already bought one, everyone else doesn't want one or cant afford one. Lots of commentary in the USA on how they cant move used EVs off the 2nd hand lots as everyone knows they have costly risks associated, replacement battery costs etc, and you cant fix them yourself really, far as I can tell all the parts for teslas somewhat restricted to dealers etc. not to mention would you want to to try and fix them yourself, its like fixing an i-phone, possible but the change of bricking it is high and then you really are on your own as they prolly wont help you if you touch it. Everyone in AUS seems to get an elec car on leases as they have the tax incentive, and you can give it back before it needs any real maintenance.....im as DIY as it gets and I'm not lining up to buy a cheap tesla as its locked down and I cant even fix if I tried. One false move and the thing will brick itself in my driveway. The laws you suggest basically knock out an entire auto repair industry. people aren't going to like that. and how they can justify such things on the basis of environmental baffles the mind. Crushing fixable cars, moronic.
  15. nice outcome. I do miss working on the old K engines. So simple. I love how much ground you can see when looking down into the engine bay. hah.
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