Razorback! that is a name I haven't heard for a long time. I remember meeting the guy who made them, a lonnnngg time ago. I found some posts from about 2006 on some forums on a google, and yep that's about when I met him. Bought some parts off him for my 4age ke70, way back when.
Unless you can figure out the razorback yourself I think its not really worth pursuing - and without it being in front of me theres not much I can do to help. Piggy back ecus have always been a bit iffy, lots of guessing that whilst in the day the razorback was a neat bit of kit, without support (is there even still a website? manuals? I cant find any) it might be a bit hard to get anywhere. how do you tune it? does it have a hand controller?
Is it still running a map sensor? if so is it suitable for positive pressure? (for your turbo).
Something like a Haltech platinum sprint 500 might be worth looking at, they can be had real cheap second hand - couple of hundred bucks . very basic ecu these days, but more than enough to run a 4age. But you'll need to make a new loom, which would really tidy things up - but again, 4age is quite simple.
How are you triggering the oem ecu? The bigport and smallport distributors and trigger patterns are wildly different.
If you are getting spark of some description, and not getting any life out of it with starter spray that tells me that the ignition timing is miles out. id get a timing light, put it on injector one and see where its firing in regards to top dead centre. should be about 10 degrees before top dead Centre whilst starting.
Where do you live?