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Pod Filters


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hey all I'm about to get my car taken over the pits and was remembering hearing hear-say about pod filters being legal and illegal

now my assumption it it needs to be mounted to something so it doesn't accidentally fall on the road and kill someone


can someone please clarify the laws on mounting and legalities

I'm looking for serious answers not hear-say


btw I'm in Perth WA and i have searched and also gone through the website but they are very vague and don't talk about pod filters



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More than likely the reason they are illegal is because of Induction noise, which is the issue I had with my CA18DET getting engineerind in Victoria. But again, it all seems pretty vague, I don't really understand why else they'd be illegal


Generally because they are exposed to the engine-bay, and being oiled they are a fire-hazard. That, and emissions are the usual reason.

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hmm well maybe the engineer will know what to do with it, was hoping to not have to build a box but if i have to i was thinking about running it across the front of the motor and have the box take air from the existing hole for the old 4kc air setup


id imagine that a pod filter on the intake side of an engine would be less of a fire hazzard than a paper filter on exhaust side, stupid govt

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Although i'm in NSW myself, i've always believed it to be due to a change in *emissions* (somehow). But as Philbey said, i don't really understand exactly how they can be classified as illegal.


Have you tried asking someone more knowledgable on the subject? A mechanic, engineer or someone at the roads office perhaps?


There's got to be a clear-cut definition of what is legal and what isn't, a blessing and a curse when it comes to the law.


If noone can provide you with a clear explanation and hard evidence on paper to support the argument that they are illegal, one could only assume they are in fact legal. But if they are illegal they will generally be able to be explained as to why, and you could use this as a way of circumnavigating the illegality, i.e. build a box / surround for it.


Keep us posted! I'd like to know the outcome.

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Like I said - the only thing that made the Pod filter non-engineerable on my CA was the fact that it failed a sound meter test, my turbo flutter was about 98 decibels.


Engine emissions on the other hand, whether a pod affects them or not, is dependent on the ADR and the year of the cars build. The older it is, the less stringent the ADR that it was built to is.

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posted the same question on ae86dc as they'd deal with it more than KExx's and i got the answer that it needs to be mounted by more than cable ties to something structural ie, the chassis


Yeah, so maybe using this nugget of knowledge, knock up some kind of bracket to hold it steady against the chassis, and see how you go?


And the surround / box idea's probably a good one, couldn't really go wrong with that...

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Yeah, so maybe using this nugget of knowledge, knock up some kind of bracket to hold it steady against the chassis, and see how you go?


And the surround / box idea's probably a good one, couldn't really go wrong with that...


I recently got some attention from the poo poo. Pod filetr was one the only things they picked on. Its solidly mounted to the chassis already, but they did say I need to box it in.

Rules and regs change from state to state so you need to check with your local RTA.

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i doubt that a 4age would have a very loud induction noise (judging from shah's engine with mushroom filter)

its a pretty grey area which is why ive asked for people experiences and knowledge, I'm going to attach it to the chassis with a belt and then ask the engineer on Monday if thats good enough and if not then what he would recommend.

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