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Good News For Initial-d/ae86 Fans

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Yeah, this Jay Chou bloke doesn't seem to popular. I noticed he's a singer, so that could be why. He looks like a bit of a prat.


The guy they've got to play Bunta looks perfect for the part. However reading through the storyline it seemed a bit off. My main issue was where they said that Takumi races against an Evo III from the Night Kids team. Anyone familiar with Initial-D will understand why this is wrong and just how wrong it is.


And I bet they make the Takumi-Natsuki love affair into some big 'true love' thing. The whole movie (with the exception of the driving sequences) will probably suck arse.


I was just amazed that Toyota's supposedly built three new Sprinters. But if you check www.initialdthemovie.com the director comments that they had to buy like twenty secondhand Sprinters (it cost them a fortune and they wrote quite a few off).

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It must have some REALLY lumpy cams with the way that cam cover was moving about. I did wait for it to load (128kb connection) and it really wasn't worth it. I only checked out one page as every page was so graphics intense that there was huge load time on it. Shouldn't be long til the movie's released from what I can gather though.

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LOL. Has anyone else watching Initial-D noticed that in the Takahashi's garage in one episode (can't remember which), there's a Mercedes (I'm pretty sure it was the same as the one Nat gets in). I haven't got any further than Volume 10 in the Madman DVD releases, so I don't know if Nat turns out to be shagging Ry & K.T's dad or something. Any truth to this???

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