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Spark Problem?


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i have a ke70 wagon with 4k i brought it off a mate and it is striped all redy to paint ive painted engien bay and put moter in ive got it turning over but can't get spark to dizzy i have gone and got brand new points and condenser i don't realy know how to wire up the coil ??

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Have you got power to the +ve side of the coil when the ignition is on?


have you got power to the +ve side of the coil while cranking? (different wire)


Have you got power to the dizzy from the -ve side of the coil??


If so then start looking inside the dizzy.


let us know-

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Don't buy stuff until you understand how it all works!


The "white box" is a ballast resistor that cuts the voltage from 12v down to 8volts. You should have an 8V coil that will burn out under constant 12v usage, that was the stock setup.


So normally ignition power goes through the resistor and the coil , and it runs happily on 8v.


However cranking power, from a separate wire connected to the last ignition key spot, bypasses the ballast resistor and supplies 12v straight to the coil while you are cranking the starter motor. This is because the starter draws so much power it drops the 12v battery power down to 8v, so your coil works beautifully.


Without that setup you would have a 12V coil trying to start a car on only 8v, and it would be a very weak spark.


So, carefully draw us a wiring diagram as you have it hooked up, stick up a photo or two and someone on here might spot a problem. Otherwise you can end up buying a shitload of stuff you don't need.

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