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Qld Mod Plate On Seats Lk1


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Not too sure if this is the right section to post this but here goes.


Hi everyone, recently purchased a ke20 2 door coupe with qld mod plate done way back in the year 1995. Its got all the codes to legally cover the mods done to it. The car was previously fully regoed in qld before it was kept away in storage for years.


My question is: it has LK1 code which is for the 2 seater conversion, fixed back bucket seats and 4 point racing harness. However, the seats are fiberglass and i can't find any sticker, label, stitching on the seat to say they are adr approved. The previous owner however verbally stated that they were the seats on it when it was mod plated in 1995. For the purpose of getting a rwc for rego application, Do I need to get new adr approved bucket seats then? Can i still use adr approved fixed back fiberglass seats? Or are fiberglass seats bot allowed in qld full stop? The seats look quite old but the finish is very good and professional, it appears to be a mass produced product judging on the finish.


All inputs are much appreciated. Thanks.


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When I went to get my seats mod plated the tags were faded, so I had to prove they were ADR compliant. I managed to get the ADR test report from the manufacturer. I'd assume you'd need something similar to cover yourself. They say you should keep a modification log in your car anyway. If you can't prove they are ADR compliant you may run into trouble with the wrong cop.

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The idea of 'grandfathering' should mean that anything that was previously approved cannot easily be unapproved. Idea being it was legal at the time, for example, you can't just take every previously sold car off the road when laws are updated. Your harnesses are out of date most likely, but they aren't road legal so he cannot comment on that if you have stock belts installed if they were standard.


I think you'll be fine, just don't draw attention to it, and if he says anything then have the proof ready.

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Agree with LRS above,


when a car is engineered by an approved person, the report would have been sent to DOT/TMR and archived, as you would imagine pics werent readily available, but might have them on file,


So if in the instance you were ordered to TMR, records will show what was in/on the car at that time, of course we upgrade/update our cars, and would have to ensure those seats are ADR compliant,


If in doubt in the end, get new seats perhaps

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Velo Milano, Velo gp90 and gpt fit. Most after market seats do.


Just as an aside, I doubt that it covers the 4 point harnesses, unless it's a Rainsford or Safe n Sound harness. They are/ were the only ADR harnesses available in the last 20 years.

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