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How To Kill An Engine...

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ah yes, the old debt-with-nothing-to-show-for-it, banks must love young males who do up cars. this was the basis of my large post to teddy a little while back


i have one of those debts too, only about half as bad as yours, and i sold the fruits of that to fook for a couple of hundred bucks so he could paint it white and put a 4ag in it :) still, i have a wicked 4k to show for it, and used the last of the money to register the ke25 my mum actually bought for me (theres a secret for you all) thanks mum :P


thats a pretty good story about the gay-zelle. nice to see you sold it to move onto cars of a more toyota nature :)


there was some car show in new zealand where they got a 4k and a 12a, dropped the water from each, most of the oil, and bricked them. the 12a lasted about 10 seconds, the 4k was still going after something stupid like half an hour and only stopped cos they got bored and turned it off. i used to hold my 3k on valve bounce for horribly long times, it's still good, just sitting under mums house with half the bits missing to go on my 4k :fuzz:

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