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Project 20gze


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why is that a problem? any reason you don't like to rev? i'm sure you'd find the 20v has sufficient grunt in an ae82, if not, i've heard 626 turbos hunt gutters pretty well.


Its not a problem, i just feel like something different for a change. All i see around here are turbo AE82 or AE92s. Id rather hear the whine of a charger than ssssss...PSSS-CHHEESSHH!! for a change.


you are aware that trying to be "different" in the worlds best selling car is a bit of an oxymoron?


Its not so much about the car.. The engine is more my focus. Once its finished there are heaps of potential cars to transplant it into. The AE82 was the cheapest lightest car for me. I picked it up in awesome condition, 1 lady driver. They needed it gone coz they were moving.. $100 and a new windscreen! :yes:


Its not i don't like to rev either... its i don't want to have to.. :D


Does anyone have any helpful suggestions!?



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Mate there are only a few blower that will be able to keep up with a 20v and none of them are toyota built.

If you want to be serious about it, your are going to need to get yourself a Vortech Centrifugal blower. Something like a Vortech V5 should do the job well.


Your think the same as me; a centrifugal charger would be perfect.. nice smooth boost curve, etc. but the PRICE!! damn they're expensive! Still.. would be nice and quiet... :D


Can someone explain to me why they can't keep up? I think i understand where ur coming from, i jus wan2 make sure. Is it to do with, RPM, psi, cfm?

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A roots blower is ok but it can't force much air as there are only two 4 lobes (2 pairs) inside.

The roots blower design started way back when they were originally used on diesel motors.

CON - they are not designed to spin fast, therefore are a more inefficent way to supercharge

PRO - cheap to maufacture


The centrifugal blower on the other hand is a turbo compressor housing connected to a gearbox (single speed - steps up revolutions) and to a pulley. This type of blower can really spin hard, I have heard as much a 80,000rpm

CON - expensive to manufacture

PRO - extremely effective.

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Yeah thats why i would LIKE a centrifugal as the boost would increase smoothly over the rev range.


1 thing I have found interesting is that when reading debates over 'which flows more? 20v or 16v?' most people agree that the bigport flows more. Now when i want to add a supercharger from an engine equipped with a bigport head, they say it wont be able to flow enough air for the supposedly inferior flowing 20v head...? See where I'm comin from? :D

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the flow difference isnt that huge mate to allow a smaller charger to work, if you want something different its going to come at a price, its like me saying i want to irs my ke55 for something different


He he I'm pretty sure I've seen that done before! a yellow one.. 4AGZE, etc. Actually supercharging its going to be cheaper for me :D

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Or you could just re-work the cams and cam timing for better bottomend. Re-do the induction side be adding something like a butterfly system to switch between short (high rpm)intake runners and long (low rpm)intake runners.

The 20v uses something like the Honda VTEC system, right? Then how about using the switch over point on the intake cam to also switch the charger on and off.

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Or you could just re-work the cams and cam timing for better bottomend. Re-do the induction side be adding something like a butterfly system to switch between short (high rpm)intake runners and long (low rpm)intake runners.

The 20v uses something like the Honda VTEC system, right? Then how about using the switch over point on the intake cam to also switch the charger on and off.


Yes my early 20v uses a similar thing to VTEC, switching the camshaft duration or overlap(?) i forget the rpm..


Id like to look into the adjustable runner idea... thanks


And yea i might see how much i can pick up a SC14..

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