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Everything posted by SoulSearcher

  1. ^^ not really, it's only 2% that we know of having a problem, and to chuck in a haltech is about $1800 (including turning) they are a fantastic car to drive :wink: I do still have the oem FMIC on it, I don't really see the point of changing it. I don't have any recent pics of my engine bay, but when I get the car back from the painters, I'll take one for you. And "terminal's" sportivo is for sale, and he's letting it go WAY TOO CHEAP!! It's a bargain! :hmm:
  2. I was driving along south road yesterday, and a cyclist was on the inside lane (I have no issue with most cyclists, they're like motorists, there are some good ones and quite a lot of freaking bad ones that give the others a bad name). Now most of the time although the below scenario pisses me off, I have a huffy breath and move forward, but what I'm seeing more and more is this (and it's what I saw yesterday, and what's prompted me to mention it).... Ok. It's peak hour, lots of cars on the road. There's a cyclist or two just doing their thing, so I indicate to change lanes and go around them (cause it's way too close otherwise, and I figure I'm being considerate)... so I finally manage to get in the other lane, move past the cyclist, get back into the left lane (because I have to turn left up ahead) get up to the traffic lights which are red, and a couple of seconds/minutes later the cyclist arrives, but he decides to go through the red light, up on the footpath past the traffic lights and back on the road! Ignoring the red light (and meaning I have to change lanes and go around him again!). What particularly annoys me is that he's not following road rules. He ignores the red light, travels on the footpath, then gets back on the road... WHY can't he stop at the traffic light like other road users? and that is what GMG!
  3. so vixen is in the crash repairers.....getting a front end respray :hmm: so I'm back to driving the crapbird.... I think I may be addicted to spending money on cars..... I was driving the crapbird, it's actually a nice car, but I hate it, anyway, I was thinking, hmm I should go and get some plugs and leads and oil-filter and give it a service... then I smacked myself in the head, I'm only driving it for a week! D'oh! But it does need a service! :wink:
  4. i went on a wikkid! yes, WIKKID cruise yesterday, probably took about 2 hours, if you want the cruise route, let me know and I"ll get it to you. Lesley :wink:
  5. I must be an "exotic magnet" today ... luckily I now know how to use my phone camera!!!
  6. well, here's an update.... got my car back, and one of the exhaust manifold bolts was missing, and one of the nuts was stuffed and couldn't be tightend (i didn't know this - she was still running like a dog ... with three legs). It went into toyota specifically to check the diagnostic codes, they found a number of errors, and they fixed them, did a service, and fixed up a couple of minor issues (they had her for a week). Got a call to tell me about the exhaust manifold bolts and suggested I should take it back to the people who did the work, got her back and she was running like a dream!!!!! I called the place that did the previous work and they told me to bring it straight in. The car went in on monday, and I picked her up on Thursday PM, then I took her down to KGB Audio and they fit the new gauges, but the carbon fibre that my friend is making for me wasn't ready, so they're just sitting there....looking messy. THEN I picked the car up this morning, and took her down for her dyno tune, it was discovered that the spark plugs weren't tightened up properly, so they tightened them up and got the Fuel/Air mixtures running, set up the hi/low boost, and she's running SWEET!!!!!! I also got a wheel rotation and alignment so she's driving straight and the slight shudder is gone :dance: On monday she's going in for the front end respray :lolcry: I also investigated replacement exhaust manifolds, but I'm kinda not too sure what to do, if the turbo ever blows up (which is likely the way I drive and this is my 2nd one!) and I get my garrett turbo, then I have to have another new exhaust manifold and front part of the exhaust made up... However, (I was planning to get the exhaust done once I got the gauges)...I can get a new dump pipe and system from the cat forwards, (backwards has already been done) then it should flow better, cause currently it goes big/small/medium/big and I'd like to have it big all the way through...and that would get me better performance now, but I'm playing with "what if's" and knowing my luck it will probably happen! But for now, I'm done! Everything on my list has been done :lolcry: And I'm a happy camper :n:
  7. wow, I wish I caould have my number plate like that all the time :dance: lol can you imagine the speed camera film developers... WTF?! LOL
  8. yes, but I'm a GIRL!!! :dance: my grandma taught me the pinkie raising thing, for drinking tea, but I do it for a number of other things, plus, that's the FIRST time I EVER took a photo now back to the car... It was absolutely freaking nuts!!! It was awesome :lolcry: I didn't get to drive it, I was passenger with a friend who rally drives, and although I wasn't afraid of taking 35klm corners at probably 4 x's that, I did have to hold onto the HFH so I didn't fall into him :n: I love my friends/acquaintances/customers that bring their unique cars to show me (let me drive)... :lolcry:
  9. guess what i got to drive in yesterday??? I'm soo glad I finally worked out how to use the camera on the phone (AND retrieve the pictures!!!) a Lancia Delta HF Integrale 16v Turbo :) converted to RHD, that thing ROCKS!!!!! one of only 5 in australia!!! ..... how tight is the engine bay!!!!! AND it may be for sale :wink:
  10. YAY! hopefully another sportivo on the forum!!!! definately get rid of the piping, but (from experience!) make sure the piping is the same size from the turbo to the start of the pipe (it saves with silicone hosing sizing) and then you can expand it to the pod, placement on mine is behind the escution plate (next to the fog lights) still working out the best way to get air to it effectively. Also, make sure you have a bracket to support the pipe and the pod. My BOV was making the fluttering sound, because the diaphram was split, so I replaced it I much prefer the pssshhhttt than the "zoidberg" flutter! :cool:
  11. I didn't originally know of the total devastation that the fires brought, the people who have been affected, who have lost houses, cars, everything, even the the ones who were lucky enough to escape with minimal damage, our thoughts are with you in what must be a heartbreaking, heart wrenching, horrifying ordeal. Here in Adelaide, we have got about 40 families donating clothing and shoes, anything that we think the families could use. If you're in the hills, you can drop off at Littlehampton Clay Bricks and Pavers, (in Littlehampton) on TUESDAY 10th February and I think it's going to wayville and then onto victoria.
  12. Hey Jo! good to see you finally posted :cool: Good to see you on the cruise, your car is schmiko :hmm: hope to see you again soon ;)
  13. FANTASTIC CRUISE!!!! can't wait to see pics :yes: ;)
  14. lookin good :yes: like the rims - good ride height.
  15. do you still have the hiccups? and if so, how did you get rid of them?
  16. Our prayers and thoughts are with those battling, supporting the emergency services, and the people being affected by the fires, and the families who have lost loved ones, both human and animal, property and vehicles.
  17. i might find my way to the cruise, it'll give me time to clean the car before hand :yes:
  18. uhhhhh 28th March is old skool new age car show, is it going to be the Saturday night AFTER the show, or the Friday before the show?
  19. and my OMG for today.... this is a bit gross...... it was warm tonight, so we went out in the MR2 with the roof off, when we came back home we were driving in the driveway and I yelled out STOP! just above where we usually park was a ringtail possum hanging off a branch in the hedge hanging onto a baby ringtail (heads together) well, we thought maybe the mummy possum had caught the baby possum as it was falling....well we sat there watching the possum watching us and giving it the opportunity to get it's baby up on it's back, and then it ignored us and started ripping the throat out of the baby possum! EWWW so we started yelling at it and I clapped my hands and it dropped the baby (from about 8 feet). We were going to take it to the animal hospital...but it was already dead.... so we buried it.... I have never ever seen, or heard of mummy possums eating their babies...poor little thing... on the plus side, one less possum running across the roof...
  20. oh, the ECU is different in the sportivo to the standard AE112's, last year the price was hugely excessive ... somewhere between $10,000 and $20000, yes, TWENTY thousand dollars it's modified by TOMS or TRD I reckon Terminal had costs on one ... uh, I'll see what I can find... Lesley :P
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