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Everything posted by CookieKE25

  1. Yeah cheers for that i'll have a crack at that tomorrow... I figured as much with the smell... Looks as though i may need to pay a visit to the wreckers for a new interior.
  2. Hi i have just acquired a AE112r seca for $1200. Pretty rough but not too bad for what i paid. I have only had it a few days and have noticed that there is a vibration when at a cruising speed in any gear... There is also what i would describe as a pop noise when accelerating from from a constant cruising speed... example of the vibration would be if cruising along in say third gear with no real load on the engine and then putting your foot down steadily. It can be felt through the whole car... Doesnt feel like a wheel balance/alignment issue... I was thinking maybe engine mounts??? Also the previous owner smoked like a chimney and now the car smells as you would imagine. Any tips on getting rid of this odour... It makes me sick first thing in the morning??
  3. http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR6Gw7aMWEiX1kXG8cW9nZL1OT3kwLCM1SvHtt7Ev158RIG2BqJ http://pzrservices.typepad.com/vintageadvertising/images/2007/06/23/creepy_vintage_ad_for_guns.jpg
  4. http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcRMIhH--4ztsWWNU2pqVrqSpRWoiTJ3L54FHPcL90nyqmLAdpma4rvgE1A
  5. I don't think there has been another one of these... Didn't see one when i searched, but sorry if there has been. So if you have seen or if you remember any old ads or signs or even stories that was the norm a few years ago but now would upset a few people now... Post them here. Well see how it goes.
  6. Apparently this bloke was a bit of a coq...
  7. Wonder if theres only blue tack and bubble gum holding that chopped roof on...
  8. Geez mate you don't waste much time... How long from when you bought it to the stage its at now? BTW nice panno mate. Good colour choice, can't go wrong with white. What plans you got for it?
  9. Now she is completely stripped should be getting all the panels straightened and hopefully sandblasted this week... FINALLY some real progress on her. can't wait to get to the painting stage
  10. Hey koala. Man thats a f4rk1n nice lookin 26... Looks pretty straight from the pics mate. Love that colour too. Is that a stock colour? Anyone.. Nice work mate. Glen
  11. Also found some wiring with no partners... This ones down the off side of the engine bay. These are behind the airbox near the firewall. I anyone has any pics of how these things might wire up properly that would be sweet.
  12. Also fitted the airbox but not sure where one of the vacuum hoses goes to... Some help please? Maybe one of these?? Also is there some reason why all the vacuum pipes off the back of the throttle body are all plugged up... Normal or not? Also this one on the back of the TVIS unit.
  13. Got some bit today... New airbox and gear knob. Happy face. So now she is a 5 speed again...
  14. F@6k i love this car... can't wait till mines at this stage. But i guess these things are never finished huh......
  15. That lip looks fat and the rims are gonna set it off..... This is gonna be one nice ride
  16. No worries Trev... I you come across one let us know.
  17. Heaps... Would love a new interior but postage would kill me to Cairns. Been looking round here through wreckers n 5h1t but nothing. U got bits??? Cheers mate. Wanted to put it up sooner but wasnt sure if i was keeping it or not.
  18. Oh forgot to mention, when i got the car back i was also missing my airbox, gearknob and he had changed the steering wheel... Which meant i now have a 4 speed gear knob no airbox and a saas steering wheel. NOT FOR LONG... I have recently acquired an airbox and gear knob, $150 spent replacing parts i alreay had on... Now searching for steering wheel at the right price... These things are bloody expensive but i have to have one to keep the origanal look I'm after.
  19. Ok so my KE25 is at the panelbeaters at the moment and although i am going to be working on it while its there, i can't start it as the bloke there has got to get an SLR5000 out the door to get mine in... So now i have got some inspiration to get my old girl up and running so the mrs can use it as her daily. Now i have owned her for 4 years and in that time this car has been absolutely perfect... Its the best car i have owned. And i have owned 35 cars now and counting..... Plus i bought it for $1200 and its the third most expensive car i have bought. I love everything about the car... They are so addictive. The engine is great, i love the shape, the performance and economy... So much to love. I have had many a road trip in my old baby including a 6000 km road trip to Ayers Rock (from Campbelltown NSW). It never missed a beat and we were averaging between 120-140 km/h driving around 10 hours a day... The only things i have had to change are the alternator, about three batteries (due to crappy alarm system which is now gone), and i snapped a timing belt which did nothing to this (i believe they are a free spinner)... So at the start of 2011 i decided it was time to part ways with her, (sad day, i didnt want to but finances plus the fact i had 5 cars at the time). A "mate" of mine offered me $1200 which i agreed to but he told me that he had would need to pay me off over time as he was restoring a sandman at the time and he was discharging (Navy), so i agreed to let him "pay me off"... After 5 months and only paying me $300 he decided to drop the car at my house (one week of rego left), while i was at sea... (cheap bloody rent that)... So when i got back i found the thing pretty trashed. Alarm wires had been cut cos the remote battery went flat, dash had been smashed, didnt start, plus he took my bloody rims. So she was garaged. So with some inspiration from getting my 25 project rolling and reading some other ae82's build threads on here i decided to get the old girl goin again... Plans at the moment are just to get her rego'd so the mrs has her own daily, (we share a 3.0L diesel Hilux 4x4). After that I'm not sure. My dream has always been to put a 4AG-ZE in her, so who knows.
  20. This is what installing 2 great big stupid cannons will do to your boot... The brace that is under the car was cut and this piece of L bracket used to replace it. :bash:
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