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Things To Do When You're Bored Shitless


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Laa lalalalalalalalaaa... I am a wookie. Brrrm, brrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrmmm. Have you ever made brrm brrm noises underwater? Hmm! Grass is green, cherries are red and the world goes round, so what am I talking about now? The cows go moo, they stand around looking silly and go munch munch munch munch. I wonder if they can taste the grass they eat? cause wouldn't it be pointless, since a) grass doesn't taste that good and b) if all you ever eat is grass then it all tastes the same. maybe different sorts of grass taste different. Do you think it would taste different after the rain? Cows don't seem to mind getting wet, they stand around the field whether it's wet or dry, hot or cold, they just stand there eating grass. I wonder what they think about all day long. Do you think they'd be planning on wold domination? Mmmm, cows with guns. Cow pat. Do you think their bums itch? Imagine how annoying that would be, at least we can scratch most of ourselves, so if anything itches we can scratch. If you were a cow there'd be so much of you you couldn't scratch, it would drive you absolutely nuts! I don't like nuts anymore, they're evil, they make your teeth fall out. Then again maybe it's just my teeth, cause I have crappy teeth cause apparently I didn't drink enough milk when I was a kid. That's probably cause we don't get proper milk in Malaysia, just that UHT powdered stuff which is really rather lame. We did get like goats milk and stuff but it just wasn't quite the same. That plus the fact that milk there seems to taste different (crappy) and for some reason I'm also lactose intollerant in Malaysial; I can hardly drink any more than like a glass of milk before I start feeling sick. I like milk here, it's white, and it tastes good, and I can drink it all day long. Mmm, milk. Did you hear about that lady in New Zealand who was breast feeding her dog? My neighbour has a dog, it's a golden retriever I think. Actually, have you heard of the new craze? To have poodle cross breeds! My brother got one a few days ago, it is a poodle cross eskimo (which kinda looks like a samoyed or japanese spitz). His (?) name is Snowball, so I can only guess what he looks like. But anyways, was looking at photos of poodle cross dogs today, so cute! There was one of a GoldenDoodle and it was adorable. And then there were the Labradoodle and the Cockapoo and ShihPoo and Schnoodle, and the PekePoo, hahahaaa such silly names. I wish I had a dog, but I can't have a dog here cause the landlord won't allow it even though we've got this fenced area in the backyard, it's silly really, but oh well what can you do hey? Besides, keeping dogs is expensive, and I probably couldn't afford it anyway, what with all my money going into that silly white car downstairs, oh well. Started to repaint the sills and stuff, but got rather bored, I'm so slack. Hmm, I'm supposed to be going on holiday in about 7 days, you'd think I'd be excited and all that hey. But instead noooo I haven't even looked at my itenary, I probably should do that sometime. Like now, since I'm sooooo bored. Hmm, then again maybe dinner sounds better. Mmm, food. I like food, I like eating. I wonder what I feel like today? Perhaps Oki's chicken? Have you ever tried it? It's quite good, it's like Portugese chicken (did you know that the Peri Salsa sauce is basically chilli sauce? They just like calling it fancy names. Well, not really, but more or less. Whatever that's supposed to mean). Actually, thinking of food, I'm actually really hungry now. So I think I'm going to go for dinner. If you're read this far, I'm guessing you're really bored too, so maybe you should get something to eat too! Mmm, food!

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:insane: yere I'm in the stage of build a SSTC, well almost finished, (solid state Tesla coil) but finding part in AUS is real hard. Since the little pieces of silicon cost about $50 each and i can't sample them (get them from free unlike all the Yanks :D )


If any one knows yere i can get about 1.5kg of 28awg copper wire please tell me :D

Edited by Jason
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