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The Term "mint"

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I thought I would bring this up, as it seems to be a contentious issue.


Someone used this word the other day, on a car that was clearly in good condition.


A reply was posted saying that the word "overrated" or "overrated condition" should only be applied to older vehicles which are found to be exactly, or in some cases, extremely close to the way they left the showroom floor.


Others use this term to describe any car (rolla's for the benefit of this forum) that looks remotely good to them.


For example, I do not consider my car to be overrated, despite having a late model engine, new paint, and a new interior. It has been molested from the factory original, and is therefore modified, and not overrated.


I tend to lean towards the former.


Useless thread, or solid topic of discussion? you be the judge

Edited by Rollaboy2608
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i've seen this alot lately as well. and its really annoying!


people are posting up there rides like yeh the cars overrated!!! in 2 of the 3 photos i can see a rust hole...


peoples perception on overrated is very misguided these days!

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i've seen this alot lately as well. and its really annoying!


people are posting up there rides like yeh the cars overrated!!! in 2 of the 3 photos i can see a rust hole...


peoples perception on overrated is very misguided these days!


:) I thought the rust holes were factory


I agree,

Perfect original = overrated condition

Otherwise = Excellent , great, awesome condition

there are plenty of other words that could be used instead that would be better

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i tend to disagree with some of you, overrated is a word that people use to describe a car the same as they say that this car is SICK, WICKED, COOL, BULLSHIT (MEANS GOOD), TRIPPIN, SCHMICK, BOUNCIN, SWEET, TRICK. Its just how people speak these days. And according to the dictionary overrated is described as " Unused or appear to be newly made and never used." yes there is a conception that the word overrated would be a car that is totally original in its factory state, but i believe there are heaps of overrated cars around and people should be able to describe a car how they want, its called freedom of speech. if we were to use the word overrated as described in the dictionary, the only "overrated" cars would be the ones on the showroom floor forsale with no kilometers on them. but hey thats what i think.

Edited by corolla_bitten
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i tend to disagree with some of you, overrated is a word that people use to describe a car the same as they say that this car is SICK, WICKED, COOL, BULLSHIT (MEANS GOOD), TRIPPIN, SCHMICK, BOUNCIN, SWEET, TRICK. Its just how people speak these days. And according to the dictionary overrated is described as " Unused or appear to be newly made and never used." yes there is a conception that the word overrated would be a car that is totally original in its factory state, but i believe there are heaps of overrated cars around and people should be able to describe a car how they want, its called freedom of speech. if we were to use the word overrated as described in the dictionary, the only "overrated" cars would be the ones on the showroom floor forsale with no kilometers on them. but hey thats what i think.


With that said, the car is no longer overrated once someone sits in it, or if it was driven onto the truck that carried it to the car yard.

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