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P Plate Speeding.

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yeah in SA any speeding fine is 3 points, and then if a P plater does more than 10k over the speed limit they then loose another, alas all points gone!


i lost 3 points and will be on my p2's for another year on top of what i already had, so another year and half with 1 point. oh yay :P

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Yes you are probably an idiot, but in all fairness some of the 50 zones are pretty crazy. I know in NSW there are some 50 zones for no apparent reason (a couple of houses, no schools, wide straight road). I think it's a slight revenue raising tactic by the police.

However we have to follow the road rules and a lot of speeding just gets people killed or crippled for no reason.

But yeah try to get your license for work. Good luck!

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yeah i know some of those stupid 50 zones in nsw theyre shit best roads noone around so much u can do but whats the point... and yeah most states u can apply for the 1 point i know in newy u can i applied for it and got it i dk how long i have with the 1 point maybe till i pay off all fines but yeah, ive seen cops sittin in the weirdest places



like i saw a cop sittin behind a bush with his speed camera out and my mum got done doing 10k over on the old pacific hwy and ive done some research and legally theyre meant to have a sign minimum 50mtrs before where theyre sitting, and the speed cameras in the cross city tunnel are the worst there are no signs so every one get caught i know i have and legally they must have 3 signs 300m before the camera




i hate police

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yeah i know some of those stupid 50 zones in nsw theyre shit best roads noone around so much u can do but whats the point... and yeah most states u can apply for the 1 point i know in newy u can i applied for it and got it i dk how long i have with the 1 point maybe till i pay off all fines but yeah, ive seen cops sittin in the weirdest places



like i saw a cop sittin behind a bush with his speed camera out and my mum got done doing 10k over on the old pacific hwy and ive done some research and legally theyre meant to have a sign minimum 50mtrs before where theyre sitting, and the speed cameras in the cross city tunnel are the worst there are no signs so every one get caught i know i have and legally they must have 3 signs 300m before the camera




i hate police


Haven't been through the cross-city tunnel, but for the harbour tunnel they have signs at the beginning of the tunnel saying that there are speed cameras in there...

And chances are the cop on the Old Pac did have the sign out, you just can't see it (they love playing hide-and-seek with it)

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In the end its just their word against yours. If they say they have it out, but your appealing that they didnt, the courts will probably believe the cops. You could just be trying to get out of it as far as they are concerned as you are in the wrong.


If i am genuinely in the wrong for something ive done, i don't get upset about it. I just accept it. I don't try to pick little things that the copper didnt do right to get out of it.


Unlucky about getting caught mate. Good luck with your appeal for the 1 point.

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this happened to my girlfriends brother...something simular anyway


he got the 1 point but for the first few months could only drive to work and back and his boss had to sign some shit whenever he drove..

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  • 1 month later...
For once I feel sorry for you, that is an epic journey you undertook and I can understand that you would be tired, etc and to get nabbed in Gumeracha of all places is pretty c^%ty. The officer obviously had not fulfilled his quota and you are now a victim of such.


Did you explain to him that you had been driving all night in order to take a mate home????


Appeal it and make sure you wave to him when you are still on your way to work, even though he won't care I would still do it.


I'm guessing his Mrs denied him earlier that night or morning :wink:


How many accidents have there been on the main street of Gumeracha lately, if ever?? Police should only need to be stationed in areas of high risk for prevention, not revenue raising, aargh this is grinding my gears :y:


He is definitely not a victim. He was speeding, he got done and to his credit he has accepted he stuffed up. I have to say he's one of the few P Platers I've seen on a forum that hasn't adopted the "whinge whine revenue raising facist" argument.

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