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Friday Night Munch Inn Gatherings


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Hey people,


I may be a noob at this forum but i noticed there was a call for numbers to munchies back in april, and the numbers were a little low..

Just wondering is anyone interested in getting there tomorrow nite?? I've done some foto shoots for brisbane commodore club and custom commodores, so it'd be awesome to have more rides beside my 83 KE70, and get some pictures...


Let me know



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Hey mate, I'd love to but I wont have a drivable rolla for a while :y:


JiP I have spare seats if you wanna get picked up... I just wanna get to know some of the rolla owners around Brisbane area. Also I have contacts out at QR and Archerfield might be able to score a reduced rate for a track day event, just rollas etc...


Come on people, if I have to park my rolla in the middle of the commodore club again, i'm gonna get my ass kicked!! Need some rollas!!





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thanks sly70 for showing, anyone else interested this is gonna be a regular thing... I'm there every Friday, so come down, I own a debadged white Flat-Front Ke70 with a Black Bonnet... Come say hi, we NEED more numbers, the commodore club just laughs at rollas, it'd be nice to over populate their numbers with sick f$%kin' rollas!!!

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there isnt enough rollaclub members in brisbane to do that lol and even if there was getting them all into one place at one time is a joke lol.


i don't feel like the rollas really belong there anyways. Id be much happier turning up in my VL turbo lol.

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I beg to differ on that one Luke.....Munchies is for Car enthusiasts to Gloat, talk shit, drool etc.....LOL

They share a common interest, Showing off their pride & joy

So let's put on a good turnout & put the said Commodore owners back in their place. Sorry to the VL Turbo drivers...lol

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yay someone else that agrees!! There's a club called "damage" that has everything from s13 silvias to old skool drift, they're happy for us to branch onto them for extra numbers if needed, so rolla drivers don't feel threatened, there are other people that genuinely wanna see some nice rollas at munchies...



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Yeah mate I'm keen to go there again, haven't been for about 3 months... :yes:


Always a good range of cars there, something for everybody.

That's why it has such a good following.

Also, it's a lot bigger area than Harry's Diner.....

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guys i'm heading there same time tomorrow nite, 7:00pm meet at Hungry Jacks Cnr Kessels Rd and Orange Grove Rd, then 7:30pm convoy to Munchies...


PM me if you want mobile contact details etc, Silly cars too guys, f*&K anything to stick it to the boys.


(For those of you left out of the loop, myself and SLY70 showed a fortnight ago, and were shunned for owning "4 banger Shite". I say stuff 'em we have a right to own rollas as much as they have to own bommadores.)


Let me know numbers please.



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shiit i wish id login here more often my girlfirend and i were going to go but we went out to dinner instead cause of the rain. shes keen to go have a look when its not raining again but my cars rather uncomfortable to drive that far with the current suspension and locker so we will prolly turn up in her lancer if we do.


ill try get back on here a bit more often lol

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