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Winter Warmer Cruise Cancelled


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Hey all...


There's been a bit of a discussion about cruising and the like here in Perth... And I agree... we need another one... Another LOTS....


I propose a cruise be held on Sunday the 19th of July, leaving from Morley Galleria (underground car park) at 1300


I got a nice little route planned out... Should take a bit of time, with a few stop offs along the way.




Please, post up your intentions, and we'll see how it turns out on the day... Also, any rolla owners you know, suggest they might be interested to attend...

Edited by white_sandshoe
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I should have a few running, so might be able to lend? I'm going to try to have my KE55 (Misty) happening by then, so the maroon T18 (Allie) will be without a driver. I'm going to insist Jo brings her white T18 too for all to drool over.


C'mon people... let's make this happen...

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Why's it feel like I am trying to sell this to people?


For all those guys complaining we don't have enough going on here in Perth, and threatening to divert everything to Facebook, where are you? Want to have a damn cruise or not???


The scene is only as good as the people in it...

Edited by white_sandshoe
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maybe it's my fault, I'm just not fun/cool enough to be the RL.


maybe we should just watch Initial d and eat pop corn. We could even have a look at my 4age in the kitchen.






We should just call it Chris and Liz and Jo and Garnett's rolla club... and put it on facebook...

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well my flatmate an myself are keen on cruises but havnt been very impressed with the last 2 events ive been to!!!



Which ones were they??? were you the guys that rolled up in the turbo T18 that time on Great Eastern??? that was a bomber day... Two for a turnout... yeah... I see what you mean. lol.


I'm hoping we can all chip in and turn this trend around. Myself and Chris are down, as always, and I got corollas coming out my ears, so if anyone is without a ride, let me know and you can drive one of mine...


I've actually got a bit of a treat lined up for all car fans that come along. Hoping to make it well worth it.



Really though, it's the people that make it. The more quite often is the merrier, so lean on anyone you know with a rolla to come along!

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id be up for it but i gotta finish my engine conversion that day :wink:


I'm gonna say that we should make one for october 24/25 so i have my p's and my car


OH! well son! get it done!!! hope you go well with your p's test or whatever it is they put you through these days... lol

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