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About To Get Kicked Out Of Rollaclub

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Not a good idea Josh.


You obviously haven't been banned yet, but this thread will most likely be the last straw. You won't be the first person banned for abusing a moderator.


I'm locking this thread now as it has nothing to offer. But I'll leave it here so that the Global moderators can at least see what you think of them!






So everybody can see what you're making a song and dance about. :wink:

Edited by Taz_Rx
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Filix the global moderator is a f@$king toss! go get a real f@$king job you internet pussy!




Grow up dude. You being abusive and chucking a hissy fit because you got caught out for excessive bumping purely shows a lack of maturity.


You didn't follow the rules and I simply enforced them as part of a moderators job. Why should you be treated any differently to others? Excessive bumping is unfair to other users who can do the right thing.


FYI I do have a job. I work as a project manager in IT systems. My time here is purely voluntary. Having to deal with self important idiots makes me wonder why I bother. :y:

Edited by Felix
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ooo you be glad that you've already got a suspension.


When i read things like " My time here is purely voluntary. Having to deal with self important idiots makes me wonder why I bother." from my small team of moderators that have to put up with douche bags like yourself, that turns my clicking fingers ohh so itchy to find the BAN button. A-SAP.


You cause any more problems when your back in September, its not worth a pinch of salt to me, to ban you for-ever.



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