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NO f@$kING WAY!!!


this is a rural victorian place called "nar nar goon", it's apparently aboriginal for "where the koalas are". it's a little bit down the road (towards moe) from pakenham, which most mexicans will probably have heard of. i went to school at officer primary, and was born in berwick hospital


if you click this link, you'll see the end of a dirt road, and a big long house partially obscured by the end of the quality section of the photo. my parents designed and built that house, it was my home for the early portion of my life until we moved to nsw when i was 8


the house next door (left) at the end of the road belonged to a guy called gary benz, who became a famous motorcycle rider in america, and went on to produce the tv show "stuntmasters" which you may remember from the 80s


i can still clearly remember the dam (the large off-center dark patch to the south) and the square hedge paddock. there's a big storm drain that you can see runs between the trees just to the left of the house and the dam, it was deep enough that a 4-7 yearold (me) could walk in it without being seen. it was like a scene out of david bowie's labrynth, all grass and roots and muddy walls. in retrospect, that was pretty dumb, it probably had all manner of snakes and spiders in it


i just called my mum at work and emailed her the link. it's incredible to see that place again...

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