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New P Plate Law

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No sooner than i get my car and some decent cash behind me the government changes shit so p platers can't drive V8 turbo or supercharged or even modified engine. heaps of idiots die in skylines and commodores cause they don't know how to drive. that isn't my problem but it is now... :P

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I here this rule is getting bigger and bugger down in NSW and soon to be up here in QLD!


I definately agree, its just that people are driving silly and just plain don't know how to drive... :P

Edited by ROLLN'03
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P plate means a provisional driver


when you are 16 here, you can get your Ls or learner license, and you need to have a licensed driver with you on the road, and you can only do 80km/h max. after a year you can get your Ps, or provisional license, you can drive on your own up to a max of 90km/h. in this state, after a year of that you can get your P2s, and you can drive on your own and can do 100km/h max. after you're 21, you're able to get your full open license



the law is a good idea. sorry, but you're not even 20 yet, you have no idea how to handle something with that sort of power to weight ratio. nor do most people on the road for that matter, but you're inexperienced so the danger is compounded


true, it doesn't stop people driving dangerously in shitbox cars, which is mostly what P platers own because they're cheap, but i can see it saving at least one life, so it's worth it


this is obviously reactionary politics to the recent spate of young people dying in high powered cars, it's a visible change which can be implemented quickly, even if it only solves 5% of the problem. but that's the government for you. what we really need is more driver education, so ALL drivers get better, but this is a topic we've covered before



look at it this way, you've got 3 years to practice driving a car, exploring the limits of its (an your) handling capabilities without an amount of power or speed which will more than likely put you in a supercharged coffin


and you've got more money to spend on suspension modifications to make your car more enjoyable to drive

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it's a good start. government-endorsed or -sponsored or -REQUIRED driver training is what's really needed


and for everyone. young people, old people, middle aged people, men, women, 4x4 drivers, truck drivers, car drivers, motorcycle riders, pushbike riders - if you're on public roads then you can benefit from some sort of defensive driver training


i look forward to the day when everyone has to re-sit their license test every 5 or 10 years, then there wouldn't be so many jerks on the road and driving around other human beings would be an enjoyable experience most, if not all, of the time

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what, you mean i can't do a u-turn over a double white line and an island with double lines around it?.....all while talking on my mobile phone to some dickhead in syndey?


damn....i thought i could....



and THATS why we need driver training and better licence tests....also for people that can't control a car at all....


its really sad when you hear about peoples driving test....."oh....my driving test was to drive the instructor down the road to get him some milk for his morning coffee"......thats just f@$king bullshit

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