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Ke36 No Indicators?


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ok so I'm getting to the finnishing up stage of getting the ke36 ready for rego and just can't get the indicators to work.

when i take the wires from the flasher relay and put them together they will come on have changed it with 4 flasher relays but still no good wtf is goin on?


also dash lights have stopped working all globes are fine is there a relay block I'm not finding wtf is goin on its goin my head in

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Hi mate; just quickly, sometimes you wont get an instant answer around here, the electrical forums don't get as much traffic.


Anyway: Flashers need a certain amount of current to trigger , if you are having issues it might be worth checking with an ammeter. Although usually if the current is low they come on but don't flash.


Also, stupid question, are they brand new flashers for that particular car?


As for your dash lights, you have probably blown the fuse for them.

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You'll find that aftermarket flashers for some reason don't work on a KE36 as they run a Nippn Denso flasher relay.


So your best bet is to open it up and check for dry solder joints like I had to.

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when i take the wires from the flasher relay and put them together they will come on have changed it with 4 flasher relays but still no good wtf is goin on?


I'd like to help but I can't understand what you are doing. Its very difficult with English Second Language students and the general lack of grammar these days. Perhaps a wiring diagram would help.

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ok, basicaly there is power going to the relay.

when i touch the wires together the lights will come on but not flash as no flasher relay is being used.

this would be why even with the new relays it does not work as they are all nipon denso ones.

so basicaly pull the cover off and see where the solder has broken and resolder it??

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It wont be broken as such, it will just look like tree sap I guess around a silver joint.


Heat up the soldering iron and heat up those joints.


Also check the relay contacts internally while you have the big metal cover off. :)


Let me know how you get on.

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sounds like the flasher can is FUBAR.


no lights means flasher/fuse

lights mean fuse is working but flasher isnt operating


also wtf "aftermarket flashers wont work" please explain?


I'm pretty sure mines got a hella one in it, all i did was get 3 male and 3 female terminals. made them so i can plug it in the orginal relay pins and retrofit a hella relay. easyyyyy!


want a part number?

Edited by Evan G
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KE36 is Jap delivered Evan, meaning that the load rating is odd.


I've had the same issue with one of my panel vans in the past and it was either $110 to fix it via a 3 week wait for a new relay out of Japan or attempt to fix the dry joint.


The plugs are way different, it doesnt use a 3 pin plug, it uses some odd rectangle 6 pin job.

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ok my ke36 has a 3 plug one mayby mines a bitsa wouldnt supprise me some shiffty people have owned it

none of the globes in my dash have blown thy where working but not now

all the fuses are sweet how many relays are in the early ke36's i can't find a relays board like my ke55

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  • 13 years later...

Do you check the fuses with a test light or a multimeter? Its unlikely, but they can look good but not conduct electricity.

How did they stop working? Just suddenly one day? After you changed a bulb?

Did flashers and dash lights stop together? Nothing else stopped working?

I haven't got a copy of a KE36 wiring diagram, so its all guesswork.


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