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Subaru_Kid's Ae82 Tin Can - Parting Out


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Ditching AC and Powersteering will save some weight and unlock a bit more power as there is less load on the motor and would make it more potent on the track, but would you accept the increased difficulty of low speed maneuvers as a tradeoff? Personally I'd keep powersteering in a daily, but would be happy to ditch aircon as it is a significant load on the engine while engaged in a smaller motor. Just a thought.

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Ditching AC and Powersteering will save some weight and unlock a bit more power as there is less load on the motor and would make it more potent on the track, but would you accept the increased difficulty of low speed maneuvers as a tradeoff? Personally I'd keep powersteering in a daily, but would be happy to ditch aircon as it is a significant load on the engine while engaged in a smaller motor. Just a thought.


I'm not fussed about parking manouvers... especially when the car will weight less than 880 without it, so it wont be an overly hard task. I'm sick of the mess the power steering causes. I just want a clean and easy to work on engine bay... Plus on really hot days or days where i know i will be parking lots ill steal my mums car :P


the a/c isnt always engaged. only when you flick it on it drains power from the engine. so the only thing youll gain from removing it is weight! ?


This is true. But with these cars every kilo counts. So far ive removed 15 kg of A/C stuff, and i havent even touched the stuff under the dash. When the PS is gone and all the AC that should mean ill weight in at about 880KG


I need to take it to a weigh bridge :yes:





Got a few goodies and shiney bits that ill be putting on the car once its running :happy: and have to do a few finishing touches to a few things in the engine bay and then I'm just waiting on the auto electrician... hopefully it gets done before the classic jap car show coming up next sunday

Edited by Subaru_kid
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What are you wiring up? instead of removing the power steering can you beef up the pipes and connectors so they don't fail?


Pics of said wiring below. Gotta join the AE82 loom up to the AE92 loom + ecu. Wiring baffles me completely, so i just did what i could before my brain asked "WTF?" or said "oops" :P



All the P/S lines are new, but it all just leaks like crazy. Everything is tight and proper. I am sick of the mess so i will be moving forward to a mech rack in the not too distant future :happy:




Did a few little things then took photos before I took it to the auto electrician today... :happy:







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Got more goodies in the mail today :D .. can't wait to start putting everything on. I have a nice small pile of shiny bits :happy:




You should darken your front indicators. Let em sink into the black bumper strip.


Nah mate, i like them the way they are :happy: If anything id go for clear ones

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  • 2 weeks later...

Turns out i am going to be flat out busy this week, which means i can't check up on the car :( So i assigned my dad to do that for me as its a little more convenient for him :happy:


In other news... I'm going to start applying a little bit of elbow grease to my daily wheels next week :dance: don't think ive showed them to you guys before, so ill keep them as a surprise ;)

Edited by Subaru_kid
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Wooohhh surprises..


I know, i like surprises :P











Nothing new on the car really... bloke has only just got the pinouts and made a plan of action. I'm getting fairly impatient but because i know he'll do a top job, i aint even mad :)



oh and i found my old RC car in the shed which i lost when i moved house about 7 years ago (WOOOO!!! :D ) gonna need a new engine and maybe a new shell.. I'm thinking AE112 WRC Corolla.

Also, the batteries for the remote and the steering controls and throttle still work after sitting in the shed for 7 years.. amazing!

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