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Trip To Europe.

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As for the food, hit and miss. Uk food is shit. I thought bacon eggs baked beans hash browns mushrooms snags and tomato for less than 10 bucks was like breakfast heaven. Two weeks in I realised it's all you can get.... Their restaurants are limited,sure if I sold a spleen I could eat at Ramsay or Hestons joints but nope.


Berlin I couldn't find anything local as a standout. Munich I went mad on pork knuckle and suckling pig and spend the bulk of today writhing with agony of gut pain. But it was good pork.


Japan was good for food. Mmmm. Tempura.


Chicks, sure but nothing beats a good Aussie beach.


Beers, damn British make the best beer. Sooooooo many to choose from. German beer is disappointingly limited in imagination... Weissbeer weissbeer weissbeer..... Pilsner. Weissbeer,

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The ladeez are hit and miss over there.


UK... Urgh... No. Just... No.


Rest of Europe they seem to be either 'meh' or 'holyshityouarethemostbeautifulthingintheworldhavemychildren'


Especially in Northern Italy/Austria... Mother of god.


The reason I drive a Japanese car.

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Beers, damn British make the best beer. Sooooooo many to choose from. German beer is disappointingly limited in imagination... Weissbeer weissbeer weissbeer..... Pilsner. Weissbeer,


Didn't get to Cologne and try the Kolsch beer then? Nice drop.


Couldnt believe my eyes when they had cheese cake, donuts,about 20 different yogarts ect. out for breaky in Germany after seeing the same old stuff in England.


Nothing beats tucking into a bit of roast warthog and a couple of Castle lagers on safari though :)

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Don't get me wrong, the German beers are good. But the British cask ales, wow, talk about selection!


Man we hit new York yesterday... Went to a BBQ joint near time square. Their beer menu was crazy, there was no less than 5 IPAs on it, all microbrews. Looking forward to drinking here, th eyre got a huge microbrew industry.

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