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Global Warming


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Just makes you think that Earth is becoming too hot. Global warming. You ever think of the disaster that this could cause to mankind? Or not really.... you just pass life on a day at a time and hope you don't overcook?


I often think about this.. mainly when I get the feeling that I'm down to my boxers shorts only and I have the air conditioner on and I'm still thinking of a way to keep cool.

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maybe if you had less fur it wouldnt be such an issue :D

but seriously, i believe the greenhouse gases are causing problems, however alot of people are quick to jump on the global warming bandwagon without enough research and facts.

if you want to look at the effect, don't compare a singles years figures with 40 years, make the complarisons fair, alot of scientists are in jobs because they research and explain global warming, if i was them i would be playing up the effects as much as possible, coz thats what they get paid to do


yes reduce greenhouse emissions, but less hype about global warming


thinking about global warming during a heat wave when there are hot winds coming in from central australia isnt what we should be doing, we should notice that i only wore a jumper 2wice this winter, and if the temperatures stay up like this for several years, then maybe there is a problem


my 2c

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it's a known phenomenon that overall global climate change happens in 50-150 year cycles. we've come here in the last 100-odd years, settled too far inland, now it's getting all hot and the water's running out there, and we wonder why


i think this year is just particularly hot, and likely will be for the next 50 years. so get used to it :D

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yes, and thats what people don't get told, because all the media hype keeps people in jobs


humans are destined to destroy the world, we basically destroy everything we come in contact with...were just good i spose


agreed, were due for an ice age in the not so distant future right? were just tryna combat it :D

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OK the stupid part is that it is a well established fact that the earth cycles between global warming and global cooling (ice ages)


Our emissions have sped up the *natural* process :y: Yes, it will end in disaster, every time you turn on a light, or drive a car - you are partly to blame.


Floods, Tsunamis, Earthquakes, Volcanoes, Cyclones... get used to it.



you reckon that theyll say that leaving the freezer door open too long will speed up the ice age after we are passed by the global warming. :D

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Gulf Stream


Have a read of the above, ABC or SBS had a doco about Global Warming, the Gulf Stream, and the Artic. that was the biggest eye opener to me.


"They predict that the slowing of the Gulf Stream is likely to be accompanied by other effects, such as the complete summer melting of the Arctic ice cap by as early as 2020 and almost certainly by 2080"


“One of the frightening things in the film The Day After Tomorrow showed how the circulation in the Atlantic Ocean is upset because the sinking of cold water in the north Atlantic suddenly stops,†he said.


“The sinking is stopping, albeit much more slowly than in the film — over years rather than a few days. If it continues, the effect will be to cool the climate of northern Europe.â€


All of the worlds Glaciers are melting at alarming rates, the artic is melting and hasn't re-frozen over like it should have for 3yrs now, ocean currents are being changed, more floods, more cyclones.... Europe has recently been in the news as having big chills and extreme low temps, Australia has had its hottest temps. Is the ice age coming? :D

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as a person who went to uni and studied it, has read loads of articles about it and has listened to more debate about it than she'd like.....


it's a fact, we have global warming and it's getting worse


I've come to accept the fact that we're probably going to lose the Great Barrier Reef, our rainforests and loads of other significant ecosystems that Queensland/Australia has.


Solutions? you can blame and point fingers at everyone else until you're blue in the face, but to me the bottom line is:


less people, we need to stop breeding


Anyway, I wouldn't want to bring another generation to a place that is getting hotter, we'd have to move to NSW! (nevah!)


my 2c

(from years - $13,000 - of uni studies and years working in the environmental field)

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