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Changes In The Ke1x's

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As far as i know the late 1969 ke10's are the ones that look exactly like ke11's (except without 1200 badges) what month of 1969 did this change happen?


Does anyone know when exactly the ke10 dash changes from the round protruding guages to the later ke11 type? I always thought that all early ke10's (don't have front apron indicators just have the white parker lights) had the old dash?? but looking a fayt's car and alex bates old green ke10 they have the later style dash....


And i was under the impression Toyota started building the first models in 1966 but have since found a bit of info that suggests they started in 1967. anyone?


Any other info simular to this would be good, I'm trying to build a website covering it all. thanks.



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heres a little info ;)


the ke10's with the earliest model dashes in them are known as just ke10's right, well ke10's with the later dash in them (same as ke11) are called Ke10 B's


so the order is:



KE10 B







etc :P

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No shit!? that means i have a ke10-B! didnt realise that, ill go look at the plate.


that means you have a ke10B right?


ya forgot ke16 :P


So does anyone know what yeah/month they went from ke10 to ke10-b?

Edited by ROL-110
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have a look here. probably the best model breakdown i have seen so far. 11/66 was the first of the ke10's.


i think most of the ke10's i have seen with the later dash (ke10-B) were AMI badged. some had BW diffs.

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ahh sweet, someone else has covered it! looks quite detailed.


wow the fist ke10 only weighed 690kg!


wonder what made the front track difference on the sprinters? they don't

have slightly longer control arms do they?? or is it the discs?


thanks Doug.

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not sure if the track difference would be in the hubs for the discs, or extra rim width? pretty sure it was Alex Bates that told me the SL sprinters had wider rims. maybe send him an email.


my sprinter was just a lower spec (non SL) single carb, drum brake model when i got it....the rims on it were the same as those on the other ke10's i have had.


the arms are all the same length, though there are early and late arms...later ones have a bit more reinforcing. they are interchangable.

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here they started in april of '68, called ke10

69 that continued with the sprinter (ke15), and the wagon (ke16)

then in aug of '69 the changed the side markers (bigger), the front markers (bigger), added the 3kc and acccompaning 1200 badge and changed the model no. to ke11 (i think), ke17(sprinter), and ke18(wagon, also known as daisy)

they only continued the ke1x series until 4/70; daisy is actually a '70 model, but since the parts books don't recognize the ke1x i list her as a '69 since she was born 11/69

of course that was just here.....we didn't get the 4door until '71

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