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Everything posted by Corolla_Gurl

  1. I'm gutted i didnt go but I'm getting my Liscence next week so in 6 months i can do what ever i like. (Hubby said if i get my liscence i can go where ever and do what ever) I'm sick of sitting at home playing WoW all the time (hubby has to stasy home for WoW cause he is with the most elite guild on his server and there guidelines for joining there guild set what times and how many hours you have eto play a week) Wow=====no Real life so i have fianlly decided to do something about always being stuck at home ...I'm gonna go get my liscence. Also i hear you don't have to wait 6 months it can a little earlier then that to get your p's? true or false?
  2. sorry cantgo hubby is raiding (don't worrie your pretty brains) and as you all know i have no liscence....and then hubby wont let me go meet strangers or ride with strangers :D
  3. So anyone going 2moro? ill be there working gonna be one hell of a long day! all the usaul powercruise stuff but all in one day.
  4. personaly i think BB is so ghey but i always loving seeing the Ralph shoots from the hot chicks after they get kicked out....I'm voting on anna and crystal being in ralph at sum stage this year!
  5. This shit is so much funnier!!! Only an american would! I'm on a Aust server and we give the yanks so much shit. http://youtube.com/watch?v=DA7phgNtZMQ&sea...20of%20warcraft
  6. I will see. I could be rather hangover so maybe not lol.
  7. Wildnights is out $50 a per person minimum of 22 people. lol I'm only expecting 8 or so. Will just be meeting in city for a few quiets ones at a pub then head to clubs afterwards.
  8. I'm still waiting on a reply on prices ect from Wildnights tours. Should know in the next few days.
  9. Its my 21st on 1st fo may but will be heading out on the staurday the 29th. I'm thinking of doing the wildnights bus tourn thing but it depends on numbers or course and pricing...... If too expensive or for sum other reason i decide not to go i will just be heading to the city to hit a few (proberly a pub first then to Fridays) clubs. All of you are welcome just let me know by the friday before. And ill let youy know if I'm doing the bus thing. If you wanna find out a bit about Wildnghts head to www.wildnights.com.au
  10. i have a few Charcters on Kazgoroth relm :P
  11. sorry but that is just....................SHIT!
  12. I never worried about my wheight till after i had Ethan. Since then i have been stuck with a little belly (looks like a drink lots) i can't seem to get rid of it and i do like 300 sit ups a day..........looks like its lipo time lol.
  13. i used to be like that when i lived in nz....when i moved here i started putting on weight. not like heaps but i didnt "look" so skinny anymore. i am a size 8 so I'm happy with that especially after have a kid. LL and NR just look yuck.....thats feral shit. comment from hubby "my dick would poke right thorugh them!"
  14. lol i get staff discount casue hubby used to work there.
  15. eat sum food for christ sake!!!!!!
  16. Try Autobarn Beenleigh. They keep ringing my hubby as they are a little desprate at the moement.
  17. "and that arent about to sacrafice you to some pagan god........... or eat you!" lol i think you are getting Satanisim and Wiccan a little confuzzled.
  18. http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=79454 is this the crash? I know its vauge but i think its all anyone will find.
  19. Didnt know the guy seen him round the forums alot. rest in peace dude. Deepest sympathy to his family and friends. He has definatly gone to a better place.
  20. Why can't panelbeaters get insurance jobs right!!!!!!
  21. i really couldnt give a shit....its hotmail lol. i get all my shit sent there anyway.
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