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Everything posted by Corolla_Gurl

  1. I'm currently learning how to DJ, starting with House music as its fairly easy but plan on been able to mix up the happy hardcore. Djing count??? lol
  2. if we don't have to work will come along for this........ "oh i feel so sick this morn think i have the flu" lol
  3. spotted OROLLA (well something like dat) again....see him drive through Harvey Norman Loganholme carpark every couple a days.
  4. well if i could have got a lift i would have but at 7.30pm it was a little to late
  5. lol yeah maccas sounds like a hoot. ill bring the cam :dance:
  6. loganhome hoggies is fantastic go there about 2 times a week normaly. plus afterwards you got gahooleys ect near by for drinking and music :dance:
  7. sorry we didnt make it my other half was feeling al ittle under the weather once we got home from work.... maybe some other time :dance: hope you all had a good time. Tabby
  8. rofl *blushes* sorry I'm blonde and was slightly intoxicated when i typed that...correct it is on the LEFT *does the whole loser L thing with hand* will try meet yall there but if we not there by the time you want to leave just gooooo and we can see you all down there. Just look for a fadded shit box with 18" chromies..... can't really miss it as it looks uber ghey :( Yes new wheels coming soon I'm just being fussy.
  9. Yip the big service center on ya right as you head towards GC. Might meet yas there but like i finish work at 5pm takes me 45 mins to get ready ect ect so if i see yall there i do if i don't ill see yall down there :)
  10. rofl love_ke70 sounds like it will be a good nite :)
  11. ok sorry for the stuff around but me and my partner are coming.
  12. Vegemite and warm KFC Potatoe & Gravy on toast :D its da bomb
  13. house mate not coming now but my other hlaf may be coming still undecided...
  14. getting banned from ae86dc without being informed of anything at all but meh what can you do
  15. customer who expect things straight away when its just not possible.
  16. f@$ks me off when you ask 2 people at work to do your lunch break at 12 and they don't bother coming till 3.40pm ggggrrrr by then i might as well starve for another 2-3 hours and eat dinner at home. ps concret walls can hurt. wooden doors don't :hmm: sorry having an angry day
  17. car is now for sale......looking at getting a dirty nissan :hmm: no its not for sale now lol
  18. happy birfday! don't get to wasted......nah why not!
  19. I'm bringing my new housemate who owns a ke35 and a silvia and its a chick :)
  20. Ill be there! don't think the other half will bother coming thoe :P
  21. jesus~!!11!! my flowers cost $140 now I'm sure glen will feel really ripped off lol
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