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Everything posted by Biggo

  1. Lol thats like the random banging sounds me puter makes. Sounds like the power supply blowing up (yes ive done it). But alas its probably just a creature inside it or sumthing.
  2. Yair but I'm thinkin that 4agze's run a bit hotter imo.
  3. erm... I'm not gonna go trusting a smallish fish like the ae71 one to keep my gze cool aye. And dan an L300 radiator WILL NOT fit lol i had a look.
  4. Looky what i got N13 pulsar radiator, will fit perfectly when i get around to making the mounts. Also the entire front end is in bits as i found out the struts were uber shagged lol. But not to worry as i got the replacements coming very soon (mmm bilstiens). Also gotta regrease the ball joints and stuff as they have run dry!
  5. well i went back today and after LOTS of mucking around and measuring all types and sizes i settled for a dirty Neesan Pulsar one outta a N13. Its about 1/3rd bigger and in very good nick. And for $100 i wasnt complaining!!! PS. see pic in my project thread!
  6. Yes, i had a look at VN-VS radiators at the wreckers. $100 or so but it seems to be a single core which translates into about the same size as the stocko twin AE71 one ive got. Anywat I'm goin today to do a bit of measuring and takeing the original rad with me.
  7. Hmmm, spare room? Lol what motor by the way?
  8. Errr.....engine swap? Theres some shaggin to be done!!!
  9. So the camry's would be the 3sge ones? hmm intersting if they use the pink injectors.
  10. can't see proper but are they 3 spokes? Lots of old rx3's and dattos use these on em.
  11. also, if the soob ones fit, apparently a common (well in the US of A) upgrade is to use mitis evo ones.
  12. MMM.....just supercharge the bugger! hahahaha I'm so evil too.
  13. Project Matrix - Small turbo, BIG cams *YAWN* Heres one for you FWD rolla addicts
  14. WRX injectors look to fit 4AGE. i got a pic to but yair after a bit off googling its all confilicting info. I can't get a straight awnser about the size of stockos, but it seems to be either 240cc or 300cc. WRX STI ones are probably around 500cc. just an idea hmmm.
  15. Do we have a Nick-A-Part in QLD? Yes indeedy, i wanna know why the evil do-ers dislike our shitboxes so much? Mayhaps its because they are such ghettomoblies and as such unsafe for the tards who use the "roads" these days!
  16. Yes, i reckon id be one lucky bugger to score a genuine toyota manual thats 20 odd years old. FWIW the radiator shop get the cores made and just swap them in so its not all that hard. I remeber me old AE82 had a recore for ~$80. So its pretty easy to understand my sputtering. Can anyone suggest another radiator to chuck in my car? Fabrication is not a problem, only space is.
  17. Well here i am wondering which radiator to put in me car. So off to the wreckers i go..... and I'm told no matter which radiator i get i'll cost >$100. Cool i said thinking they are up themselves ($120 for a suzuki swift rad.!!!!). So anywhat, off i go to take my crumbling crappy tired AE71 one down to the local radiator sevice/repairer. A couple of phone calls later they have a price - $316.50! I am speechless!!!! So as i gather myself to leave i ask how much it cost to recore a KE70 one. Another phone, another price - $264.60. So I leave. Seriously, what the hell i wrong with companies today. Its like theyre all trying to steal my money (of which i don't have much). Its almost as bad as the time when Autobahn said the could get me a 4AGZE manual, "great" i said, for $700 that is. Arrrgh so many evil people in this world :locked:
  18. In 1980, during this model's life, Corolla daily production reached an all-time high, averaging 2,346 units. Lol well that explains alot
  19. Madaline = 190 Hahahahahaha suckers shes my bitch!
  20. SNUH! Sorry kids, i eventrully dropped off and had a kip. Gee i feel weird for talking to myself via a forum, ah well just another day in the life of me. Lol, first thing i do when i woke is open the fridge - NO MILK!!!!!! Corolla Kid - Nah freeformation sucks po0hey mainly cos i can't freeform right now hahaha
  21. Oi what ever happened to rollamods night life hmmm? You people suck - now wake up! hahahahahahaha I'm just another random crazy aye Cows are mooing in the paddock post #1 - i need a car Post #2 i need a car to get a job post #3 - how the heck do u download from fileshare?????? post #4 - post whore mode = on post #5 - Kevin Energy is a effing carzy DJ post #6 - its still dark outside post #7 - i need more beer post #8 - looks like i need more food to cos the pantry/fridge is empty post #9 - why is good such a git? he should seen me more beer from the beer faries post #10 - lol file share = 0.8kb/s hahaha dumb poofs why can't it go vrooom!!! post #11 - can someone post so i can post so you can post then i can post agin? post #12 - wow 12 posts this morn! looks like its turning in to a postbox. ehat number should we give it? post #13 - PO box number 13 lol cos ur all about that age post #14 - oh wow look it nearly sunrise, i know this cos i can see light and its not the puter post #15 - 1% The_Phophet_live_@_Dominator.mp3 downloaded!!!!! how sad post #16 - lets find another mix to dl aye post #17 - found it!!! dj zilch - europhic vol.2.mp3 but its 103mb all on dial up bwahahahaha i am crazy post #18 - time = 5:17am post #20 - woohoo i wake up with out my head on the floor today! GREAT SCOTT!!!1! post #19 - lol i mised one it seems oh well only 5hrs 55mins and 33sec remaining post #21 - change track - dj fez happiness vol.1.mp3 lol its a TTTTUUUUNNNNNEEEEEEEEEEE post #22 - I'm hungry but hmmm nah i like me music to much to move post #23 - anyone got some drunken stories to tell? hell that could be a new random thread in the off topic hmm? post #24 - lol how funny was that last random thread about random people using random names on random cars!!! post #25 oh wow! theres nothing like 190bpm for brakky is there??? more MORE i say post #26 - biggo wants ta kow what time servos are open so he can get some more smokes post #27 - ohh does anyone know how to get them brake lines of the strut without swearing? post #28 - can someone e post-me some breakfast? post #29 - i guess not. Well heres an E-kick for you all hahahaha post #30 - lol i just saw my spelling in this thread!!! it = po0hey post #31 - can't think of anything to post right now so i'll get back to ya on that post #32 - lol just read a post on phat city! apparently in bris anythings possible lol post #33 - godspeed is on this wknd, and so is two tribes. so not fair - I'm blaming the git, cos shes such a bitch for nor moving atm. pos #34 - lol i called u guys rollamods! whoops sorry but its hard to think when ur fuxxxOred like me
  22. http://www.rollaclub.com/database/ride.php?carid=0000187 Ohh just had a peek, not bad i reckon! Does it DrIfT???? hahahaha
  23. NFI bout the ABV deactivation performance. Well i wouldnt seeing as mine doesnt even go yet lol. I'm just a slacko ancullen - send me an email and ill hit u up with them diagrams [email protected]
  24. And rip the vsv off. All set for some more fun hehehe
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