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Everything posted by TheNOBBLER

  1. Yor right Trev, sounds logical. I had the entire exhaust replaced for roadworthy and then after had the new muffler put on. It was only when the muffler went on that the problems started. I don't really want to change the muffler again, but on the other hand I would like to get it running properly again...
  2. Yeah, thats what I thought. I don't mind having to change them, but it would be nice not to have to. I am very interested to see if the TVIS is kept operational as I have heard it is a pain to setup with an aftermarket ecu. I would like to keep it on mine as it makes drivability down low much nicer.
  3. I am running NGK iridium plugs in the car, they have only been in there for a few months so they should be right. There were only some air lines running into the box, they have been connected to the filter. The pod has been on there for a while, it has only been a problem since the muffler went on which should have been mentioned before. While cruising the car isnt as bad, its mainly when I put the foot down. I will have to get it checked for fault codes, thanks for the tip... While I am at it I will get the o2 sensor checked. Thanks
  4. Sounds like there is alot more going on in Aus than I thought. Sounds good. I am only in the planning stage at the moment, I started a project a couple of years ago with a slant 6 engine in a Val, but it was abandoned as I returned to study. This was when I became interested in Megasquirt but never got heavily in to it. Jason, is it possible to use the existing engine sensors on a 4age? Mainly for simplicity, but also to keep cost down? If not, do you have any recomendations? The engine will remain stock for a while, but I would like to go forced induction down the track. mrselfdestruct, if your mate becomes the distributor it will really help the Aus scene. He seems to be pretty switched on! Clown, thanks for the tip. I will have to get on to gearbox. I will have to get on the ms forums...
  5. I have an AE82 Corolla twincam with a blue/black top 4age. Engine mods are so far limited to a cold air intake feeding a pod filter and a straight through muffler on the rear. These mods made a nice difference in engine response and power, but the car is running rich after the changes. I have spoken to a mechanic about this but was told to ignore it as the car cannot be retuned. Is this correct? I have been looking into aftermarket engine management, but that will be a while down the track so I am stuck with the factory issue for now. I understand that I might use a bit more fuel after these mods, but loosing around 100km out of a tank seems a bit excessive. Any ideas? Jarrad
  6. Just wondering if any one knows of a 4age or similar using the MegaSquirt computer in Australia. I have been hunting and have found others overseas using this setup, but I havent been able to find anyone here. I have been interested in Megasquirt for a while, but am yet to have a play. Have a look for and see what you think. http://www.bgsoflex.com/megasquirt.html I must note that I have searched the site for related posts and have had some success, but no one seems to have given it a crack. Please correct me if I am wrong... Jarrad
  7. I'm glad we got the net back online tonight! I would have been waitin in the carpark all alone! I will be at the cruise, should be great. Jarrad
  8. Did you have any ignition problems when you bolted the blower on? I am currently bolting one of these on an engine and I'm a little worried about the timing setup... Did you just retard yours? Cheers
  9. Just wondering if any of you have thrown a turbo on a 4AGE engine, and if so with what results? The Car is an first generation AE82 twin cam with a stocko GE engine in it. I have seen a few done with lowish boost, but havent been able to find much technical info on them. Eventually I plan to run a GZE bottom end with my big port head, but I would like to see how the standard engine goes first. Also, do you think an exhaust manifold from an AE86 could be used? Cheers, TheNOBBLER
  10. Well, so much for making plans around the cruise! I'm headin to the Com games on the 19th, so I can only do the 2nd. Otherwise saturday arvo sounds great.
  11. Would love to join you, it will give me a chance to meet some of you and get into the swing of things! Should hopefully have my wheels and zorst done by then. Either date will do for me, I will make my plans around the cruise that way. Jarrad TheNOBBLER
  12. Thanks, will be on here as often as I can Just bought a set of wheels for the beast, but just had to repair the front end after a slight bingle with a new honda! Jarrad
  13. Hey there, The names Jarrad and I drive an AE82 Twin cam and I'm from Mildura but now I'm in west melb. I used to have a KE55 hardtop with a worked 4k in it, but it made was for the twin cam... wish could have kept both! The twin cams just a stocker at the moment, but some minor mods are planned to liven things up. A new interiors on the cards as I'm an motor trimmer, the boots almost done, now for the seats! Cheers, TheNOBBLER
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