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Everything posted by RollaBus_4agze

  1. Wow dude... PORN!!! I love the engine man! What sort of turbo are you running?
  2. My old 4ac used to chirp 3rd :) But that had custom cam, big bore etc... :( Loving the work that you are putting into this dude!
  3. Yeah dude... Over the last week the following has happened! - New glass (front, rear, sides, quarters)... and there will be NO tint :( - New roof lining... (no pics yet tho) I really want to get some better pics tomorrow tho :)
  4. Of the KE?!?! Yeah dude... I could get a few pics for you on Friday and post up :P
  5. Sweet engine bay dude :D The engine in there looks absolute porn! Well done :lol:
  6. Wow dude... Very clean example :D What are your plans for it?
  7. haha thanks man :D Thats my old mans KE... As soon as he finds a replacement, it will become my daily :lol: I could get some better pics if anyone is interested! It is 100% origional and in PERFECT condition!
  8. These pics were taken on Saturday when we were bringing it home! :D We had to stop halfway as I had no front or rear windows, it was freezing cold and I couldnt feel my fingers anymore haha! Luckily it was only a 15min drive (drag) home from Highway Crash Repairs... Will get more pics soon :lol:
  9. The colour was origionally 'Acid Rush' from the old BA Falcon chart... But we have heavily modded the tinters, added 3 extra pearls and changed the silver flake to a silver metallic sparkle!
  10. Heres a few more pics guys :bash: Took these this arvo after doing some work on it today! Still not happy with panel gaps... Will have a fiddle with those tomorrow :yes:
  11. Thanks man :) In regards to the glass, Ill just say 'its not what you know, but who you know' ;)
  12. Trying going onto www.carmate.com They do make kits for ae82's... but personally, always look better with stock bars :) Why not mod the origionals?
  13. Thanks guys! Yeah, we started the boff yesterday and it is turning out VERY nicely! I wont post pics till the doors and gaurds are hanging :y: Today I ordered all brand new, perfectly clear (no tint) front, rear, side and quarter glass :)
  14. I gained 25mm either side man! It is a HUGE gain, but I wasnt going for anything crazy... wanted enough room for the wheels to tuck and to have a 'near' stock look!!! And the rear bar had to be HEAVILY modded for it to fit correctly :yes: You could do this to any ae82... Trust me tho... Its a fairly big job!
  15. Very sweet man :y: can't wait to see this on the road :yes:
  16. Hey man! Its actually Acid Rush (off of the BA Falcon Series 1 range), but it has been changed alot (more pearls, flakes and tinters)...
  17. The finished product... (pics from this morning) We are leaving it over the weekend, ready for buffing next week!!! Hope everyone likes the new colour, as you really need to check it out in real life to see all of the pearls etc... Cheers, Moe
  18. LET THE BASE COAT BEGIN! First coat... Then after several more...
  19. FINALLY is all I can say haha! We wheeled the Rolla Bus into the booth at 8am yesterday morning... Along with the bonnet, boot, fenders, petrol cap and doors (bumpers, mirriors and front door handles will be done next week) Then there was a few hours involved getting it all masked up!
  20. I rolled them years ago... It fixed the issue sorta, but large bumps or having someone in the back it rubbed like buggery! But now with the mods that have been made and coilovers coming, it will be fine :S
  21. Thanks guys :) I want to keep the factory lines of the ae82! I didnt want to spoil them with a large body kits etc (hence why the front and rear bars were modded so highly)... I'm leaving to head down to Highway Crash Repairs now to get it all masked up :S New pics soon...
  22. The gaurds fully stitched to the body: I then gave them a good smoothing over... A light smearing of putty was used over the top to get the final lines of the arch correct before painting: I hope to get some more updated photos for you all over the next few days!!! Cheers, Moe
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