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Angle Eyes/eagle Eyes So Wanna Do This

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Just found a web page on how to make DIY angle eyes/egal eyes. Ihave always wanted some of these on my KE30 around the 7inch head lights but the kit was a few hundred dollars so I havent but just found this page and well for a few $ you can DIY them..mm might try this soon :y:


Here is link:







:D Spelling fairy says: damn that egal was annoying me.

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Well today I went out and bought 4 LED's for this project the brightest I could get there rated for 20,000mcd :D And are green should should look hot.


I also imagine any shape would work not just round so maybe even rectangular like KE70 head lights??


But I drove all around Ipswich today trying to find clear plastic rod NOTING every craft shop, bunnings, supercheap model shop you name it doesn't sell plastic rod AHAHAH so if anyone see's some let me know so I can go buy it.



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Well it turns out they havent so I decided to buy the rods on ebay..lol DANG OLD TOWN!!!!


Cost me $1 for buy now of a 3/8 inch diameter 36 inch long rod so that will be enough to make 2 eyes with left overs.. :D So can't wait for the postie now :y: As the lights I imagine will only take abotu 2-3 minutes to make..lol



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Well stalled today..lol The postage on the plastic rods off ebay was $30 so mm ill forget them.


But hoping this weekend to try curtain shops or ring the local plastic maker that says on there web site they do acrylic rod so fingers crossed. As if I get it should be able to have working eyes in about 10/20 minutes.


So will keep you all updated.



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hey cameron, id be really interested to see how these turn out, have u thought about putting a black part in also? so you have the light then a back bit with a whole and the angel eye? so it looks more aggresive? I'd be very interested in pictures once you are done :) could you add me on msn so we can talk in more detail?


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Just a progress pic...


Pic below taken at lunch time in broad day light :P



The pic below is at night time in my room



And next is a pic of it with my light on and these eyes are on my floor directly under my room light so not to bad.



So next test hopign to get them on my car tomorrow and then see how they look at full day light :D



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