as with any diff upgrade for a corolla t-series etc that i've seen you'll need a custom tailshaft of some description, thats pretty much a given
you CAN just weld the mounts on, custom tailshaft and away you go if the extra track doesn't worry you
also considering before i found this i was offered a ra23 t-series for $150 i think the price etc is very reasonable
the centres can be pretty average, but i've found it depends on the way you drive, in my mates skyline if he just powers over out of a corner it can sometimes only spin a single however if you actually flick it out and use abit of clutch it spins twins everytime. (this was all done on private property of course)
this is also the reason why i included the fact minispools and 2way mechanical lsd's are available. Minispools go for about $80-100 on ebay, and i've herd of 2ways being had for about $800 this howerver was when the australian dollar wasn't so shit!
i will have it sent to the mainland at the buyers expence however i don't want anyone to buy something, have it sent all that way and think its a dud, i was going to use it in my car, but had every intention of using a minispool and putting new seals etc in
I'm about to go and take some photos,
and your PM has been replied "KE ping it real"