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What Grinds My Gears.

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My brother in law downgraded my account. (My Request). The account use to be theirs and they didn't want to cut it off when they moved cause they wanted to keep the email. So I continues to use the Net like usual and was expecting them to let me know if I was going over. They never let me know, and now I'm stuck with the bill.

Edited by JiP_01
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My brother in law downgraded my account. (My Request). The account use to be theirs and they didn't want to cut it off when they moved cause they wanted to keep the email. So I continues to use the Net like usual and was expecting them to let me know if I was going over. They never let me know, and now I'm stuck with the bill.


that sounds like the dodgiest contract deal of life. 1000 bucks. let me guess? .....telestra? you'd save money buying a plane and skipping countries.


wings on zee rolla. :dance:

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don't think i can top you but here goes ill try....

got up at 530 to go towork tripped over a washing basket in the hall.... hmm

Got in the car started it (checked fuel was almost empty) then drove halfway to work before realising that i wasnt wearing my knee brace... had to turn round and gun it home. got my knee brace on and locked the house..... went to het in the car and realised i had locked the keys in the house ...(I'm not a morning person)

found my spare key got keys got back in car.... drove to work... was late.

work was average

got back in the car driving towards home on motor way....car starts spluttering......No GAS ...no where to stop

and some prick in a merc behind me beeping....pushed my car to where there were road works ... walked to petrol station....brought can for gas for 15 and 6 bucks gas . walked half an hor to get back to car.... then realised that the stupid little funnel thing to get the gas in doesnt take into account the sleek lines and utter stylishness of a ke 15... cut up a drink bottle and made a home made el budget funnel... filled it up .Got back in car drove home .... poured myself a bourban....


if you're driving a ke15 as a daily, every day is a happy day!

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Well today female drivers are shitting me off. I don't even have to say what they did. We all know what they're like.

And building site updates as i find them.

Let me just say i'm happy i'm not moving to Chermside.

When it rained last week the carpark under the building flooded. The drains are still full of water.

Okay, more pics.

*Note. This is just one unit.


Phone internet sux. I can't preview pics or delete them!!


**Pix Deleted** :)




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More handywork from the plumber...



Don't see how we are meant to hang ceiling sheets off this??


The drop kickds that delivered the sheets stuck them on the balcony. So the bottom sheets are wet and the last one is wrecked.


So we had to transport them to another unit where they will be used. Not happy.


So thats squeezing 30 6m sheets through here.


And into here.



And sadly we are forced to do something bodgy. There are a lot of 45 degree walls and on the acute side we have to fold the sheet (making sure the paper doesn't tare) just so the Setter doesn't have to set the joint saving our boss $7 per joint. Its pretty bad cause if someone hits the wall, the paper will rip.


One could say that the plasterboard is the only thing holding the roof up but when you think about it, maybe its the shotty brick work.


Rob said something funny today, he said, "Remind me not to buy a unit here."

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Today, I rocked up at the brake place to get my new rotors and pads fitted (which I ordered three weeks ago, and have paid a 90% deposit) only to be told that all the parts haven't arrived...everything except the rear pads had arrived and they rescheduled me to next week :)


lesley :D

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I'd rather us go back to building steel fame. I don't mind sheeting, but you have to wonder about the guys building the walls. When we do it out of steel my boss wont accept it if its not right. f@$k the level, he makes us use lasers. Plus its alot cleaner. Fixing makes me messy, tho steel cuts. I'd rather the cuts.


As for the women driver remark, I was commenting in the women I had interacted with. Not all women.

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