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What Grinds My Gears.

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I wasn't blaming the judge, but considering this is a first offence, that i don't live at home, i have no job, no government benefits, so like $400 to live of until i sort out either. And i was cutting though a construction site, as suspicious as that sounds, thats all i was doing. So what happens when you don't pay court fines?

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You can however work out a payment plan. Contact the revenue office and organise an appointment and plead your financial case to them (with figures to back you up)


I had a friend who was fined about 3k in one hit after being caught speeding.


He took 3 years and payed it off over that term.

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are you straight edge coz its cool and non-conformist, or because you believe in it?


i don't think people making funny posts about getting drunk is a sign of maturity or not, plenty of mature people drink too much, and alot of immature people don't drink because theyre too mature for that and don't need it, but then act like the most immature of the bunch.


not saying this is how it is with you, or stereotyping or any other such political correctness i need to save myself from, I'm just wondering why you judge people for making jokes about "goin an gettin f@$ked up" so to speak.


I'm straight edge because of what I beleive in. No one else I know is. I just think drinking and drugs etc is a waste of money, its dangerous, it can humiliate people and thoroughly degrade them (they get recognised for the next five years as "the girl who got heaps wasted and vomitted all over that random guy she was f@$king"), and I just see it as a pointless thing for small minded people to waste the boring part of their lives doing. A lot of people do it just coz everyone else is and they think it'klll make them "cool".


I have been tipsy once, I had a lot of alcohol and it didn't affect me very much at all. I was about thirteen, it was the first time I had actually drunk alcohol and after a lot moire drinks than my friends I felt the same, I acted the same, it didn't affect me at all. And then my friend (who was very drunk) almost fell in a fire and almost got raped by this 18 year old. Luckily she had me to save her from both of those happening.


I don't like the idea of being out of control of myself or having poor judgement, and I don't liek going to parties where everyone is drunk and no one can do anything if something goes wrong. Like on the weekend I was at a party and I was the only one who was able to drive to go pick this girl up who was at a party and was heaps scared. If I hadn't had my P's she would have been stuck there all night and who knows what would've happened to her?


I don't care about people drinking, as long as they don't go overboard or actually do it because they generally like it, without getting full on wasted.


Smoking I can handle if they don't blow smoke in everyone's faces, and drugs I just can't stand at all, but I think a lot of people understand that one.


I'm straight edge because I don't like the effect drugs, alcohol, smoking and promiscuous sex have on people, families and relationships. I've lost a lot of friends due to all this crap, and it effects morre than just the person doing it. I have a friend who is bipolar and her whole life fell apart as soon as one of her brothers picked up a bong. Her whole family is into drugs and shit except her and they are constantly high and abusive. I don't know how many times she's been in hospital due to abuse from her family or suicide attempts because of that abuse and their drug use.


I understand that I'm mainly opposed to the abuse of these alcohol and stuff, because I can handle it if people just drink a bit after work to relax and on a friday night with a few mates, that's fine with me, as long as they don't get absolutely hammered.


And I just don't want to drink or do drugs or sleep around. And that is the main reason I'm straight edge.

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You have little to no experience of it yet your instantly opposed to it ?


Your last drinking experience was when u were 13 ??


I drink with my friends quite regularly, we don't get f@$ked up drunk or anything like that, just conversation over some beers


more often than not the conversation flows like the alcohol.


What u need to do is pick who you drink with a bit more carefully.


As far as drugs go how can a stoner be violent ?? All the ones i know are the nicest kindest most relaxed people u will come across.


heroin = scum

ice = scum


and all the others excluding pingers are just for bogans,


But seriously if your happy not doing it then thats fine its ur loss but i do strongly feel like you are missing out

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and you can't say that alcohol dosent send some people nuts as the other week my mate went crazy and ran off into the night, called the cops sayin he was gonna kill himself and did self inflicted harm on himself, got caught by the cops and screamed his head telling them to shoot him and got sent to a mental hospital yet so long as he dosent drink he is fairly fine


but he is into alot of things i don't condone and I'm not the best of friends with him anymore


thats all i will say


so don't think alcohol is not a bad drug as it is


and if your life is so bad that you need alcohol to have somethings wrong with your life and you need to change a few things


i go out deso with my mates to clubs all the time, give me a few coca colas and I'm going off on the dance floor and shit


also i didnt even taste alcohol till i was 18, and i have never taken drugs, i don't take prescribed medicine either


ie panadols


also i went to bali and got a hemp based tatoo on my arm, 2 weeks later that temporary tatoo turned into a scar, as if i had gotten one of those scar tatoo thingos


a month later i lost all my hair, and fell violently ill


i have an extreme allergy to marijuana, so therefore just try to imagine if i had been a stupid child/teen and taken marijuana before i knew about my allergy i would have died from my throat and lungs/ insides becoming inflamed and scaring and would have dropped dead


so don't take anything lightly as even though my condition is rare, its rare enough for you to know someone who has it so be weary



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