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Zombie Attack

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Here's the deal...

Zombies have started taking over the world, all your family is dead (my regards). You are immune to the virus and you have nothing to do but to hide out somewhere and try and survive.

My question is, where would you go to survive?


I would go to some local metal/fabrication factory, hide out there and start weldin shit to my forby, eg. cow catcher, spikes and other impailing tools.

Then after i've finished, open up the doors and go wild just running down all those darn un-dead. Head to some sort of weapons shop, if there is any weapons left, stock up and go out lookin for survivers and food. Then head back to the metal factory and re-populate the earth with my new missus :D

Repeat as necessary. :P


Note to self, don't go to a shopping centre, bad things happen there.

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Been watching SBS late at night lately? :P


I'd probably do a similar sort of thing but head to the airport or something and fly my self out of there in a Cessna or something. I can't actually fly, but if in the strange event that zombies did actually come, I'd probably take my chances. :D

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I love zombie/survival movies


Its all about survival and defining the greatest threat at any one time.


Isolate yourself from the threat and gain access to the basic needs to survive.


Observe your surroundings and determine if a threat exists, if no threat exists then focus on further ensuring survival.


Once survival is at a maintainable level scout out threat and observe from a distance and determine weaknesses and habits.


The key is to be one step ahead of the threat knowing more about them than they do you. Which is where most movies end in a blood splashing final battle.


Its all basic survival and conflict type stratagies they all vary, i guess makes for great movies. In the movie dawn of the dead they were suddenly thrust into a world kill or be killed situation. In land of the dead it became a survival and live together scenario knowing when to defend or find supplies ect.

In 28 days later/28 weeks later, basically getting infected and your stuffed. They showed different ways of getting infected so isolation was a big thing.


Flip side you have your apocalyptic or post apocalyptic movies mad max,post man, water world, the stand,steel dawn ect. The list is massive.


check this out http://www.zombiemovies.org/


and http://thehealingtouch.wordpress.com/2008/...alyptic-movies/

Edited by Budowski
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straight to the ferrari dealership > gun shop > raid supermarket > find the biggest house in springfield. live like a king. :dance:


Raiding a copshop full of confiscated 'items' could also be a good outing.


and.....blowing up a building in the CBD culd be kind cool. fun first .......zombies later.






Edited by mitch4397
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Here's the deal...

Zombies have started taking over the world, all your family is dead (my regards). You are immune to the virus and you have nothing to do but to hide out somewhere and try and survive.


Note to self, don't go to a shopping centre, bad things happen there.


I'm pretty sure you just watched Dawn of the Dead or something.


You know that one with the people that hide in the shopping mall and talk to the guy across the road with big signs on the roof and there's a dog and someone has a zombie baby?


And they get across the road because they act like zombies and reach the building on the other side and get that big truck thing with big cages and drive around sticking chainsaws out the side to cut them up?


And then they get on the boat to get away from all the zombies and there's one on the boat or the other country they go to or something right at the very end?


EDIT: I just recited the entire movie.

Edited by Lexxi[ke35]
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