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A Sad Little Camper I Am

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also passed first go, 2 lessons then a test. BAM. Had a couple of points docked because I went around a left turn slipway and was a little far over to the right hand side of the slipway. What horseshit, but I got it.




Dad used to be a driving instructor years before I started driving though, probably helped....:)

Edited by philbey
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i got mine first time but i'm surprised i did. i stalled twice on the test because i was unfamiliar with the car(RAVC instructors pulsar). my dad works for vic roads and tells me that the test should take 45mins. when he saw me heading back into the car park after 25 mins he thought i had failed. he got talking to the tester afterwards and the tester said even tough i stalled the car twice he could see that it was only unfamiliarity with the car and that my driving was heaps better than 90% of the people that they test.


a lot of it has to do with the tester being comfortable(a proper dual control car helps a lot here) and your attitude. stay calm, relax and don't get too caught up on the little mistakes.

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the bloke who tested me was real nasty, he was known as "2 minuite terry" as your test usually only lasted 2mins before you failed...


i took the wrong exit on a round about, i reckon he gave dodgy directions...'straight ahead' isnt a good direction on a round about with 5 exits....had an arguement about that whilst i was driving...


maybe he was testing my ability to drive with distractions....


i thought id failed after he made a few makrs on the form then told me to "head back". but i passed with flying colours!

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Got mine 1st go within 10 mins, if anyone knows Ipswich:


Drove from QLD TS to denmark hill, did a reverse park and a 3 point turn and drove back to the depot.


Got 2 or 3 crosses (can't remember):


1. For not sitting all the way to the right when turning (the street is like 20m wide).

2. When turning left into a double lane road I turned into the closest lane and then indicated into the outside lane, weird.


Oh and one of the negative comments from my instructor was that I changed gears too many times, what do expect when I go from a turbo car to a lancer that feels like it is struggling.

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I failed my written 5 times and passed on the 6th for my learners, this was before the "new" rules came in, taught myslef to drive on my l's, got pulled over twice then decided it was time to get my p's, did 4 lessons with an instructor, went for the p's test, passed 1st go and got called a fork lift driver, cause i palmed the steering wheel while doing a 3 point in woodridge, had a <<<<<<<<BIG>>>>>> harley rider as my tester in a 8 series beema, i swear he just wanted to get back to the office and sit in the air con :P


Got my p's in 2007 and still have them :bash: loosing ya licence for 18 + months sucks a big long donkey slong

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