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Scottmotorsportz Takes P2

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Tony and Peta have managed an outstanding result in the final round of the Queensland rally championship.


They finished 5th outright, 1st P2,3rd classic,3rd 2WD,clubman outright,3rd QRC outright and 1st P2 clubman.

With this result they have taken P2(1600cc) for the Queensland rally championship.

Peta also took outright clubman co-driver and we have to check where Tony got.


This was a fitting end to the Corolla's last championship season.


we want to take the time to thank everyone for there support and help thoughout the season.

a big thank you to Rollaclub's own Teddy for all the help in the last 2 events.


Prize giving is in a couple of weeks, we'll confirm all the results then.

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I'm absoluely stuffed, but what an awesome weekend it was. Well done to Tony & Pete, for some serious rally'in; and kicking ass.


Hell, i got to drive around in an MR2 all weekend, that was like cool in it self :P


Car was really good to us, which was a good thing - 3rd service i spotted a snaped driverside swaybar link weld, it wasnt really causing any probs, so that got pissed off to prevent it from catching on anything, and causing any un-nessary issues.


Thanks to hal for coming out and taking photos, we lost him near chrises house coming back, and still not sure where he got to ! - Ill let him explain about his drifting accedent :)


MMm i had a shower, and I'm clean. Goodo.


Again, Congrad to the freaks of nature, who make the lil rolla liturally F-L-Y.

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I wanted to get to the city, and I didn't know where you guys were headed, so I disengaged around then before I ended up in wup wup or something. Tried to call you, Teddy, but your phone was off.


And yes, I have drift damage on the wagon O death. I braked a bit too hard, (against my better judgement, but it was either that, or _potentially_ (in hindsight, it was probably an overreaction on my part) rear end the ute in front of me. Long story short, rear end went out, did a 540, and ended with my passenger door against a post, where it took most Mel's Crew (or Rob's crew?) to dislodge me.


Oddly enough, wasn't actually going too fast... must have been under 60. But gravel + brakes is baad. I grossly underestimated following distance... but oh well. Lesson learned.


No signs of mechanical damage. Car ran fine all trip. Stalled once going up a hill post crash, but that was moire probablt nerves on my part. Spend about 40 bucks on fuel. (Ipswich -> Brisbane -> Kilcoy -> 10 Mile -> afternoon hooning around in lower gears -> Gallangowan -> Kilcoy Brisbane. This car continues to amaze.



Driving around those roads was a hoot. I had a fun jaunt up the 10 Mile stage, and that road from Jimna to Gallongawan was a hoot as well.


Unfortunately, did not get as many pictures as I hoped to. Got there a little late, and I didn't have a chance to get to another stage from Gallangowan after lunch.

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ute in front of me. Long story short, rear end went out, did a 540, and ended with my passenger door against a post, where it took most Mel's Crew (or Rob's crew?) to dislodge me


A ute? ummm suuuure Hakail!! :) Rob's crew thought it was HILARIOUS especially as they insisted that Hakail get the camera out to get proof of how lucky he was .... rumour was 50 ft drop was either side of the tree that shall now be known as "Savior of Wagon of Death". Suddenly the camera was stuffed in a secret compartment of the W-O-D and a denail that there ever was a camera! I love the WOD, such a distinctive rollaclub icon, please say that it's in the rollaclub calendar?! (Y)


As for me, I stepped into the old (yet familiar) role of Redwarf Co-Pilot for the weekend. Wayne (2005 Co-Pilot) had his finger broken courtesy of an apprentice at work. I would suggest that the apprentice's days are numbered. :P


We had a SHOCKING first stage, Evo2 was not behaving himself and had a terrible new habit of being very attracted to grid posts. Rob barely managed to convince Evo that kissing the posts would be baaad, and this caused us to tank slap down a road severely once. We dropped the back rear off the road, and I think this is what caused our flat. Evo2 was called some colourful names for 6 minutes while we (ok so Rob) changed the tyre.


2nd stage all this changed and Rob+Evo suddenly clicked and we managed to beat the Scott's!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I fell down to worship the rally gods for this bloody awesome time (18kms in 11.11 mins, YIKES).


From there on, Rob+Evo+Mel fell back easily into their previous roles. I had a great time with this guest appearance - even though I was on the WRONG SIDE OF THE CAR!


Major kudos to the insane Scotts Motorsportz crew: my partner Paul (current Qld Champion) said of them at the speccy point last night.... "I have never seen someone attack a corner with more commitment - EVER".


Hearty congratulations to Tony, Peta, Chris and the rest of the team. Your results are utterly awesome, utterly spectacular and utterly deserved.


However, I feel that this thread is desperately needing the following:


1. Stories about drunken behaviour last night

2. Stuff about the Christmas themed rally car?

3. PICS!!!!! (WOD guru?)

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oooh your such a sweetie mel: thanks for the bar of soap as well.


well ive got to say i had the the rally of a life time. all started pretty good, we came out of stage 1 & found we had done the same time gary stracy in the datsun sunny which showed we were on the same pace. so i thought. we went to start stage two & found garys car couldn,t rev past 6000. (we think broken valve spring) well we did satge 2 thinking that we were going to take time out of him, boy wasn't i wrong gary bet us by 4 seconds (awesome driving) & then rob & mel bet us by 8 (i think.. didn't know u had a flat tyre in stage one. hate that). so we got to run these stages again & peta said she should be co-driving in a datsun. (wrong thing to say to a toyota driver. not that thens anything wrong with the dato's). so we came out of stage 3 & managed to take back 5 seconds on gary, then on to stage 4 again, this time we took back 9 seconds. at this point i thought we would be alot further ahead. so at service chris put another 5% of full advance on & the car fell better but not perfect. on ot stage 5 , a lovely little 8 km stage which had never been run before. we had a good run & the car was handling really good but was lacking top end speed. we finished the stage & found we had taken 10 secound out of gary which i was a little more happy. but i'll that my hat off to gary he was driving bloodly amazing which only half a engine. well on to gallangawn & the kandanga stage. at service teddy found the right front sway bar link pin had broken so he just removed it ,clean the windows, throw some tyres on the car & topped up the crew with water. (legend).

at the start of the next stage gary said we were only 1 second in front of him. didn't sound right but a wasn,t to worried. KANDANGA STAGE. this awesome piece of high speed yummmy gravel road i thought we could pull back a little bit time. we started the stage & i got about 1 km in and the car felt really good so i attacked. for the first 5 km of this stage is very high speed & we were backing the car into corners in 4th & 5th gear & the car was just amazing so i just kept pushing harder, we arrived a the spectator point & i screwed it up ( as i always do) , but a 2 kms after the specy point the road goes over crest & goes right. well that was our first BIG MOMENT (& it was on petas side again) but we didn't lose any time & i didn't ease off any.

we crossed the flying finish & peta said she had seen the speed a 180km half way through a long corner. we stop at the time control. & my poor co-driver was not look really happy. she said : tony please don't driver any faster. (oops mental note scared pete to much & don't tell pete i was shiting me pants) well we got our time cards & checked garys time. holly crap we were 40 seconds quicker. ( another mental note scare pete more offen) well on to the next stage, nothing to xciting there. then it was back to the kandanga stage again but this time at night. i said to peta lets just take alittle easier this time, so off we went, arrived at the spectator point for the second time. this time i got it right . giddy up!!!

well we finished the stage & found we had taken a 60 seconds out of gary. but i think gary had slowed down just to finish.

well thats our rallying done for the year.


ive got to thanks chris, teddy & dillon for all there hard work. not only did they service the corolla but chris serviced matt dynes car (gt4) for the day. but it blew a turbo with only 2 stages to go. bugger

we also helped craig aggio who had a rock slit the fuel tank & was not sure weather he was going start stage 5. but we came up with some Ned-it suff and drop the tank', pucked the hole & then out the the soap & duct tape (thanks again mel for the soap) this aloud craig to finish 3rd outright.


so for us we took out p2 qrc

p2 clubman

3rd 2wd

1st outright clubman

3rd outright registered qrc

& TOYOTA TEAM QUEENSLAND cars took out p4 classes, p2 classes,3rd outright & 1st & 3rd 2wd


go the toyotas

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Funny he forget me !!! - I think he is proving a point. ! hahahaha - I get it!


Well - I am here at the rollaclub to add my two cents!


And yes - everyone - this guy can drive!


I was seduced into this sport by this event last year - and this years event confirmed it ! What a rally. I so enjoyed this event as this was the road trip of road trips! Giddy Up - doesnt quite cover this one! - (If you can imagine Tony and I in the car yelling out "giddy up - road trip" through the stages as we hurtle over grids - the kind that break noses - you now that committment to the event doesnt cover it - psyco does! )


Massive, huge, monumental and heartfelt THANKS goes to the man who can drive, and is sooo kind enough to take me for the ride. :P


All I can say is GIDDY UP ! ROAD TRIP to party town next year !


What a year its been - , check out www.ghecho.com, and TTQ website (soon to be posted) for this teams highs and lows in building our little ghecho !


Big thanks to Teddy (god he's lovely isnt he???), Chris - what a service crew ! Big Thanks to Dill - keeps us laughing ! - And my hubby who did whatever it took to make sure this team was ready for this event. How could we not exceed with this sort of support!


Thanks to the other competitors who have welcomed me into this sport with open arms, and let me fly with the crazy kiwi at the wheel of a corolla!

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More crazy people on rollaclub.


and for everyone wondering what Mel was talking about with xmas themed rally car, Peta decided to add a little xmas theme by putting decorations around the rollcage.

But the best bit was the Flashing Xmas lights wrapped around the cage as well. These looked awesome in the night stages.


Pic's to follow, PETA!!!!

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Oh so many stories to tell!


I LOVE LOVE LOVE the devil horns on Tony's helmet and the angel halo on Pete's helmet. Gotta get me some.


oooh your such a sweetie mel
hey baby, how YOU doin'? :lolcry:


thanks for the bar of soap as well.
luckily the soap was saved, albeit in a funny shape. Was pleased that my $6 soap went to a good cause!


Big thanks to Teddy (god he's lovely isnt he???),


And Haikal: :D

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