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Shadys Shitshifter


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So I actually did something to this thing today other than drive it


This is yucky and green.




New polycarbonate, trimmed to size




Clock is also yucky green. Remove yucky green plastic, replace with another bit of polycarbonate, tinted red




Fitted to bezel, holes drilled for odo reset and clock adjust




Little grommet thingies back in, also ran a bead of hot glue around the edges to keep dust out




That's betterer




All fitted up. Soooo much clearer and modern-looking than the factory one.

Cluster surround repainted with bumper finish black.

Also note the large bit missing where the radio goes... There's actually another piece of polycarbonate there. I cut out that entire section above the air vents and flush fitted the polycarbonate to the cluster surround, on the back side. There will be gauges in there, once I get around to making a mini-cluster of sorts which matches the factory one.




Oh and I made everything red. I like red.




Very red.



Edited by 7shades
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  • 4 months later...

The panelvan cluster has a curved face whereas the sedan n wagon cluster has a flat one. So I'm sure you could fab something up but it would require the ability to thermoform the polycarbonate to get the curved face correct if you wanted to make a clear screen for a van.

Edited by LittleRedSpirit
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