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Everything posted by Lexxi[ke35]

  1. Yeah that happened with my friend's angel bites. She paid like $100 for them and she had to take them out for work like 2 days later and they closed over. That would've pissed me right off. I wanna get 2 dermals under my collar bones coz I'm too scared to get a surface piercing lol
  2. WGMG wasting $40 dollars and 2 years of pain and my bodies pushing out my snug piercing :| It's my favourite one too!
  3. I saw a yellow ke30 at the Gawler train station. I thought it was mine but mine was like 10 metres away lol
  4. Its pissing down with rain, I'm wearing converse [not exactly waterproof] and an almost white tshirt [fairly self explanatory] But! Eddy may have found me some cheap aggresive inlines :dance:
  5. Oh my god I know! Now that's a sensation I haven't felt in a while!
  6. Aww no Jip! I just saw a black VE HSV and I "jizzed in my pants" lol, but seriously.
  7. WGMG is people that don't f@$king indicate. I nearly crashed twice the other day in my mums car. Some wanker was turning right on a roundabout and didn't indicate till he was like half way around. Lucky I have ninja reflexes :dance: And before that some guy in a parked car on the side of the road opened his drivers door in front of the car in front of me, the car slammed on the breaks, ninja reflexes saved us once again. :dance: But even though they were most certainly not my fault and it couldve ended much worse my mum started freaking out and screaming at me for the next half hour. I burst into tears and went 100 in an eighty zone just to piss her off. Yes I realise I would be the one to get in trouble and lose my licence but I really didnt care at the time. When we got to the shops she felt bad and gave me $50. I restocked my incense collection and bought new fake nails with pink leopard print :hmm:
  8. TWW is my mates band! I don't know Lachy too good, but the others have been Eddy's best mates for years.
  9. My boyfriend has a VS, done 250,000ks and still goes well. The thing about commodores is that most of them get absolutely thrashed so its hard to find a good one. Eddy test drove 12 before he found a half decent one.
  10. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Hope you didn't have a girlfriend back then :lolcry:
  11. I may be coming, but in Ryan's car. [The SLO-030 Ryan] :lolcry: But that's a definate may.
  12. WGMG: My effing body. Like ohmygod, could it get anymore f@$ked up? Its been broken for like 3 years, I had an operation to fix it like 9 months ago and what's that? Its STILL broken? Shit. And now I have a cold. Its 40 degrees outside and I'm SNIFFLING! WTF!!!!! GAHHHH!
  13. Oh wow congrats Luke! OMG I found a pink leopard print notebook that shall become my Book of Shadows and finally purchased a silver candle to banish all the negativity in my house! :lolcry: And another OMG... I have an incredibly awkward phobia of going on busses by myself (I usually take trains, they can only go in one direction) and I had to take the bus back to town by myself and I was like full on stressing the whole way. I tried to listen to my mp3 player to calm me down but I just got more scared of missing my stop. LOL Anyways... I made it safe n sound :)
  14. I hope that wasn't me.... :hmm: WGMG: my parents. Ohmygod. Why bother?
  15. I think she just defined sex. My OMG! I posted my 100th post! I'm officially a post whore! :hmm:
  16. Didn't hear about Fowlers shutting down! That's heaps gay hey. Yeah Adelaide music scene was really huge to start with, theres just not enough to keep it going really.
  17. Bands playing..... can't remember, but These Written Words and 3 Short Words are, I only know them coz their are my mates' band and some dipshits that copied their name, but these aren't the main ones.
  18. Pretty sure I've seen the 20 around Gawler. Was it sold to a P-plater or someone who had a son that would be a P-plater about now?
  19. Oi swear to god I keep hearing bloody things moving around behind me everywhere. It sounds like there's people in here but I'm the only one :) Oh my god I'm losin me marbles.
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