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Happy B-day Soulsearcher!


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^^^^ you'd think so wouldn't you! but no...



It's official... my family sucks!


After forgoing a christmas present to get mags and polishing for a COMBINED christmas/birthday present, I've been not even been quietly hinting, I've been saying "I want money for the mags and polishing fund so don't buy me any presents, give me money" I still don't have either. My parents haven't spoken to me yet, my HUSBAND bought me some diamond earrings, my youngest daughter bought me some perfume, my mother in law bought me some skin care stuff, three of my friends bought me skin care stuff..


The ONLY person who listened was my 16 yr old daughter, she said "daddy I need $100 for Lesley's present" he gave it to her and she put it in a card for me.


So now I have a whoppig $100 towards my tyres and mags and a shit load of freaking body products that I don't even want! I SWEAR my family are complete retards...I'm not trying to be ungrateful or anything, but I TOLD them EXACTLY what I wanted and they didn't listen!!!!


AARRGGHHHH!!!! I've decided they can live on baked beans, sausages and bread and water, I'll keep the grocery budget and they can suffer for the next 6 months!


end of rant...


Lesley :P

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ahhh reading back my post.. I thought, OMG I'm SUCH an ungrateful bitch. so I thought, I'd ebay everything and complain alot pressure hubby into giving me money and quietly going out and just organising everything.... *nods* yep, that I shall do, it'll probably take me about 3 months, but it's something to work to...


Lesley :P

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HEY! ^^ this is actually a bit of a sick funny story....


When I got married, someone gave us an AWFUL plate/platter thing that I hated. So come christmas year before last, I gave it to my MIL's (mother in law) boyfriend (who we all think is a tosser) thinking he wouldn't be around long enough....well he's still around, and he gave me the plate back for my birthday.....


LMAO so I gave it to my girlfriend to smash but she liked it :P So it has a new home....


Re: my parents, I think they went away, but I'm too stubborn to call them and tell them they forgot my birthday....but my Dad know's I'm car crazy (they got me an AWESOME Maguires pack for christmas) I talk mechanicals with him, and he get's excited for me when I do mods, win car shows *lol*, he taught me to drive, taught me to service my first car and generally gave me the bug about cars....my mother has no clue (she has early onset dementia and forgets everything I tell her) but she makes enthusiastic sounds when I'm talking to Dad about cars....



Lesley :dance:

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