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What Grinds My Gears.

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i hate splinters, and cheese sandwedges


Hate is such a strong word to use when describing your feelings toward the humble sandwich... But actively hating them, you're already giving them too much of your energy.

Instead of "hate" I would suggest maybe "disliking" or even being "indifferent" towards cheese sandwiches.


Its a long journey of forgiveness you are about to embark on, but I believe that in time, you will come to appreciate that even cheese sandwiches have a place in this world... and although nobody would expect you to include them into part of your daily diet, I'd like to imagine you have the fortitude and resolve to be able to move forward in life and grow as an induvidual, free of the cheese sandwich burden you bear.


Go now in peace,



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i hate splinters, and cheese sandwedges
Hate is such a strong word to use when describing your feelings toward the humble sandwich... But actively hating them, you're already giving them too much of your energy.

Instead of "hate" I would suggest maybe "disliking" or even being "indifferent" towards cheese sandwiches.


Its a long journey of forgiveness you are about to embark on, but I believe that in time, you will come to appreciate that even cheese sandwiches have a place in this world... and although nobody would expect you to include them into part of your daily diet, I'd like to imagine you have the fortitude and resolve to be able to move forward in life and grow as an induvidual, free of the cheese sandwich burden you bear.


Go now in peace,



Just add some mayo and everything will be ok

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you know you can go to the manufacturers website and download the install program don't you?

Ive been to their web site and i emailed them. 1 month without a reply so i sent another email, again no responce so i called hitashi in japan and they gave me a number to call sydney parts, i told them the situation i'm in and they said they will call me back if they find some software coz this camera is about 8 months old now, it might be hard to get a copy. Its been about 4 days now and no call back :lolcry:.

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About rage, do they still have the top 50??


Sure do ;)


I dislike drinking.. Going to stop drinking for a long time now.. still feel sick as a dog and i finished at 2pm haha..


I am DUMB :lolcry:


Cheeseburgers after big alcohol session taste yuck.

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Finished School VERY early today and went drinking with the boys. Didnt realise how much i'd had till it came back up extremely quickly. Still feel like death. Serves me right though.


Still can't walk properly LOL. Thankfully dad didnt make me drive anywhere tonight.

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I wouldnt try it, tis bad enough drinking on heart medication.


I vow now, to every man woman and child here, that i wont drink for the next THREE WHOLE MONTHS, not a drop.


Keep off it and improve my health :lolcry:

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I find this annoying. I finally resigned from my job and when I tell certain crew they cry. Not that I'd take it back and stay cause they want me to, cause eventually they would end up leaving and I'd be stuck there. It is tough being everyones favorite McManager.

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I find this annoying. I finally resigned from my job and when I tell certain crew they cry. Not that I'd take it back and stay cause they want me to, cause eventually they would end up leaving and I'd be stuck there. It is tough being everyones favorite McManager.


Where are you going to work now?


Hungry jacks is only 100m's down from maccas :lolcry:

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Would you belive that there are cameras in the Cold Room and the Freezer!!


Umm, no job yet, I have 9 weeks to find something that DOESN'T deal with customers. I have a few jobs that I can have at any moment so work isn't a worry.

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They do publish their entire playlist online the night before, you know....so just look at the name of the next song when it starts then go to the website and look up the list for that night.

It never bothered me at all until I started watching Video Hits (rage is still heaps better though, music-wise)


No kidding. Problem solved!


Hate is such a strong word to use when describing your feelings toward the humble sandwich... But actively hating them, you're already giving them too much of your energy.

Instead of "hate" I would suggest maybe "disliking" or even being "indifferent" towards cheese sandwiches.


Its a long journey of forgiveness you are about to embark on, but I believe that in time, you will come to appreciate that even cheese sandwiches have a place in this world... and although nobody would expect you to include them into part of your daily diet, I'd like to imagine you have the fortitude and resolve to be able to move forward in life and grow as an induvidual, free of the cheese sandwich burden you bear.


Go now in peace,




wasn't he talking about a sand wedge, one o them golf hittin'-sticks? ahaha.

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