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The "omg Guess What Happened Today" Thread

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Lj - yeah i know the feeling with that one, an ex of mine did the same thing. Till i realised after i finely took my rose coloured glasses off, that she was more messed up then i had thought


Johno - live it single for a while. Do what you want, when you and who you want....

sand that rolla nice and good

:cool: nice choice of wording there lol

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today I had a very embarrasing OMG moment....


I was driving out of a city car park, about to drive onto the road, and I noticed in my peripheral vision a leaf or something hit the windshield, I turned to look at it, and it was a HUNTSMAN SPIDER!! it ran INTO the car, and UNDER the sun visor.... I had a bit of a girly, screaming hissy fit, wrenched on the handbrake, chucked it into neutral, tried to jump out of the car and realised I still had my seatbelt on, released that jumped out, still screaming.... a wonderfully nice young man approached me and said "is it a spider?" me: "yes, please will you kill it for me??" he got into the car, trying to catch the spider, it ran across the roof lining, and jumped down onto the back seat, he killed it, and warned me there was "still a leg in there"... I was so very grateful, and thanked him... YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID TO ME?? "no probs, that's the funniest thing I've seen all day".


I guess it was funny....but it was a BIG spider!

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today I had a very embarrasing OMG moment....


I was driving out of a city car park, about to drive onto the road, and I noticed in my peripheral vision a leaf or something hit the windshield, I turned to look at it, and it was a HUNTSMAN SPIDER!! it ran INTO the car, and UNDER the sun visor.... I had a bit of a girly, screaming hissy fit, wrenched on the handbrake, chucked it into neutral, tried to jump out of the car and realised I still had my seatbelt on, released that jumped out, still screaming.... a wonderfully nice young man approached me and said "is it a spider?" me: "yes, please will you kill it for me??" he got into the car, trying to catch the spider, it ran across the roof lining, and jumped down onto the back seat, he killed it, and warned me there was "still a leg in there"... I was so very grateful, and thanked him... YOU KNOW WHAT HE SAID TO ME?? "no probs, that's the funniest thing I've seen all day".


I guess it was funny....but it was a BIG spider!


damn i quote this in my signature, its way to big :D


on another note but still about huntsmans, last night my friends wife was leaning up against the car waving goodbye to me when i flicked my lights on and the next thing i see is my friends wife take off running away from a huntsman that had decided to run up the back of their car when i turned my lights on :cool: was the fastest i have ever seen her move in her life :D

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OMG guess what happened to me yesterday? I went to future music festival, and then i went out, and then it was today, and then i was still out and then i got home and then and then and then. Oh. Sorry. :$

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lOl I remember working all night one year, then going to Summerfield Dayze, then working all night again. I was phucked by the end of it.


Let me know next time, I need to get out.

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Went to the city skate park last night with the boyfriend and his mates, [i went down a ramp and did a jump! woooot!!! :locked:] and there seemed to be a Sexy Old Amazing Classic Car cruise going on. Seriously there were about 100 old Mustangs, Monaroes, Chargers, old 1930's Put-Put Mobiles, everything! It was so pretty :yes: You could feel the V8s vibrating the entire world. Keep an eye out for a tsunami in America lol

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