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Why You don't Hoon.


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Theres plenty of us that go to the track and do it legally but its always the same guys every time and we rarely see more than a handful of new guys... usually not people that have been doing it illegally. They reopened lakeside in Queensland so they've given us an opportunity up here to prove our point. The continued bitching does not prove anything and you know as well as I do you're just using it to justify what you're doing to other enthusiasts. Hell you live in NSW. No other state has more open race tracks than NSW! What more do you want? The track time is available and affordable so don't use it as an excuse.


Here here, most people I see at a track have been there before or are part of a club, poeple are lazy and just don't want to do anything or find out anything about how to do it legally as it might be effort and cost them dollars. Just have a look at ebay as a prime example. I can buy a $26 water bottle from rares and flog it on ebay for $50, all because people are lazy. There is not excuse for racing on the streets and realistically our tracks are in a state at present that some of them will be closing because there is not enough support for them, so get of your arse and go to a track pay your moneys and wear a silly grin like the rest pof us whom venture out. There is more to life than just computers and mountain roads.. :eatlead: [/end soap box]



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I for one was unaware that lakeside had reopened to the public , I have a good friend who knows mr tetly who owns both QR and lakside and lakeside is by invitation only it's not open to the public sorry.

I for one live in Qld and besides Lakeside (which we can't Race, drift on) it's QR and for me thats a 2 hour drive so lets look at it hmmmm 2 hours worth of fuel plus food plus entry fee not cheap then there's the 2 hours back.

Or i can drive 20minutes up the road to my local moantain pass and have a run.

In saying that I go up there at 11 or 12 at night there's like no cars out and it's safer for me to go a bit faster.

Now 1 you can never fully attack the road a roads surface changes all the time so thats always in your mind.

2 I never drive with mates in the car better to injure myself and not my passengers.

And 3 it's all about choice i choose to race on the mountain passes thats my choice I'm at fault but I'm no novice when it comes to driving i never go beyond my limits or my cars limits.

but its because of my awarness and my respect for the road that i havnt had an accident once you you become ignorant of your own limitations thats when you lose control.

Besides where do you think the majority of todays great race drivers started........hmmm on the streets, on there dirt roads.

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I for one was unaware that lakeside had reopened to the public , I have a good friend who knows mr tetly who owns both QR and lakside and lakeside is by invitation only it's not open to the public sorry.


I can tell you it is open, I have raced there and I was not "invited" per say. It was just like any other track day I've done. Hell the QR site even has the details for their days there. FYI Mr Tetley does not own lakeside, pine rivers shire council do, he is the leaseholder.


I for one live in Qld and besides Lakeside (which we can't Race, drift on) it's QR and for me thats a 2 hour drive so lets look at it hmmmm 2 hours worth of fuel plus food plus entry fee not cheap then there's the 2 hours back.

Or i can drive 20minutes up the road to my local moantain pass and have a run.

In saying that I go up there at 11 or 12 at night there's like no cars out and it's safer for me to go a bit faster.

Now 1 you can never fully attack the road a roads surface changes all the time so thats always in your mind.

2 I never drive with mates in the car better to injure myself and not my passengers.

And 3 it's all about choice i choose to race on the mountain passes thats my choice I'm at fault but I'm no novice when it comes to driving i never go beyond my limits or my cars limits.

but its because of my awarness and my respect for the road that i havnt had an accident once you you become ignorant of your own limitations thats when you lose control.

Besides where do you think the majority of todays great race drivers started........hmmm on the streets, on there dirt roads.



*white noise*

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I'm not trying to make excuses for my behavour i no what i do is "wrong" but don't judge me because of it its not like I'm driving down main st and doing a burn out or chucking skids i do try and do the right thing as best i can.

at the end of the day no one on this site has never "hooned" thats a terrible word hoon....... i don't like to be classed as a hoon or a street racer I'm just a guy with a passion for driving in all its forms weather it be on track or off its really a pointless discussion, driving fast on streets has been around since cars were invented always trying to make them faster and so fourth has any one stopped to really think about why road rules were created?

And beleive me it wasnt just to keep people safe.

If you make a modification to your car that makes it safer then why are you fined for it, like a roll cage or improving the cars handling characteristics (not cutting springs) at the end of the day this debate will go on and on and on for a long time to come I'm afraid regardless of what new laws they introduce.

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I can tell you it is open, I have raced there and I was not "invited" per say. It was just like any other track day I've done. Hell the QR site even has the details for their days there. FYI Mr Tetley does not own lakeside, pine rivers shire council do, he is the leaseholder.





*white noise*

What do you meanyou wernt invited per say? were you with a club?

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I'm not trying to make excuses for my behavour i no what i do is "wrong" but don't judge me because of it its not like I'm driving down main st and doing a burn out or chucking skids i do try and do the right thing as best i can.

at the end of the day no one on this site has never "hooned" thats a terrible word hoon....... i don't like to be classed as a hoon or a street racer I'm just a guy with a passion for driving in all its forms weather it be on track or off its really a pointless discussion, driving fast on streets has been around since cars were invented always trying to make them faster and so fourth has any one stopped to really think about why road rules were created?

And beleive me it wasnt just to keep people safe.

If you make a modification to your car that makes it safer then why are you fined for it, like a roll cage or improving the cars handling characteristics (not cutting springs) at the end of the day this debate will go on and on and on for a long time to come I'm afraid regardless of what new laws they introduce.


Seems that way but hey not going to judge you as it is an open topic and not directed at you per say but it does seem you feel it is...Your license is a priveledge NOT a right. Speeding is an individuals choice, you are nto forced to speed but if you do and then get caught the police is the worst in the world when you attitude is most of the problem. Secondly we are on a public forum seen by public people whom come from all wlaks of life. if you think that stating that you race on the streets and that is your only choice then you are only asking for trouble. Police do frequent forums, think before you act both on site and on the road. Secondly you don't get into trouble for modifying your car, as long as it is done in the right way and therefore is safe. Sure poeple do dodgy things to cars all the time, I find this out when I get a new one and have to undo a number of things fix them and then do things I want on the cars. I have not found one car yet that I have not needed to fix the previous owners stupidity. I can understand where the police are coming from. 2 hours of fuel is cheap mate, so is lunch (which you would eat anyway) and then entertainment. Lighten up mate you would have a hell of a lot more fun.



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Seems that way but hey not going to judge you as it is an open topic and not directed at you per say but it does seem you feel it is...Your license is a priveledge NOT a right. Speeding is an individuals choice, you are nto forced to speed but if you do and then get caught the police is the worst in the world when you attitude is most of the problem. Secondly we are on a public forum seen by public people whom come from all wlaks of life. if you think that stating that you race on the streets and that is your only choice then you are only asking for trouble. Police do frequent forums, think before you act both on site and on the road. Secondly you don't get into trouble for modifying your car, as long as it is done in the right way and therefore is safe. Sure poeple do dodgy things to cars all the time, I find this out when I get a new one and have to undo a number of things fix them and then do things I want on the cars. I have not found one car yet that I have not needed to fix the previous owners stupidity. I can understand where the police are coming from. 2 hours of fuel is cheap mate, so is lunch (which you would eat anyway) and then entertainment. Lighten up mate you would have a hell of a lot more fun.



I appreciate your advice I think i do need to lighten up a bit i agree we all have a choice cheers :eatlead:

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2 hours fuel, Lunch and entry is still cheaper than getting your car towed and having a court date. Its also better than your parents cracking a big shit over it and your girlfriend slapping you repeatedly.


So many people got defected that night i got done and the only reason i didnt get defected is i wasnt being an asshole to the police officers. I admited what i done was wrong and stupid (still fun but stupid) and they were nice about the whole situation. They could see my car had bald tires and the exhaust hangs low and they mentioned that to me but still they didnt write it down or defect me. Its all about attitude, You be nice to them and they will be nice to you. A mate got pulled over in the same suburb a few months earlier and he was being a prick to the officers and he got 7 defects and a court date. Pod filter, steering wheel, tow ball etc etc.


Cops get around in all sorts of cars these days like Ford focus', TRD aurions, stock aurions, ve commodores, honda accords, falcons and i still spot the odd vx car getting around late nights. They are everywhere waiting for "hoons"

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2 hours fuel, Lunch and entry is still cheaper than getting your car towed and having a court date. Its also better than your parents cracking a big shit over it and your girlfriend slapping you repeatedly.


So many people got defected that night i got done and the only reason i didnt get defected is i wasnt being an asshole to the police officers. I admited what i done was wrong and stupid (still fun but stupid) and they were nice about the whole situation. They could see my car had bald tires and the exhaust hangs low and they mentioned that to me but still they didnt write it down or defect me. Its all about attitude, You be nice to them and they will be nice to you. A mate got pulled over in the same suburb a few months earlier and he was being a prick to the officers and he got 7 defects and a court date. Pod filter, steering wheel, tow ball etc etc.


Cops get around in all sorts of cars these days like Ford focus', TRD aurions, stock aurions, ve commodores, honda accords, falcons and i still spot the odd vx car getting around late nights. They are everywhere waiting for "hoons"


They also come in early 00's model corolla hatches and the police around my area seem to like taking a couple of dirtbikes out for a fang to catch all the young ones riding around unregistered and unlicensed out of town on reserves.. :dance:

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