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Queensland Challenge


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70 entries this year!!!




Car is sorted, I think. Could do with a wheel alignment, but it's too late now, and I can't afford one anyway (not a proper one anyway). It's going to be a GOOD DAY!!! I can't wait! 2 more sleeps...

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Speaking of gearboxes, I still don't have one in the WRX. Hmm, late night for us tonight.


*yawn* Installing a gearbox takes 5+ hours on a WRX, it hasn't started yet. I can just see that we'll be up past midnight or more, not good when I have to get up at 5 am.


Hopefully the car will be ready.......


And we're first on the road out of 70 cars, I think I'm going to be sick again

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Mel: Sounds like me for the interclub challenge autocross earlier this year. I worked all through the night, woke up in the morning and worked on it more (mustave gotten about 3 hours sleep...) and got there just in time. Needless to say, I wiped out far too many flags, did my first WD, and came in like last place :o :) :)


Where's your service crew when you need them? :jamie:


I hope you get the box in, and the car sorted. And get some rest. And have a ball tomorrow :unsure:

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Haha, go Ian, Mr Spectacular :P


Excellent event, I had heaps of fun. I don't know how well or badly I did, I suspect it will be more the case of the latter, but I don't particularly care at the moment, partly because I had so much fun anyway, and partly because I'm really rather tired.


But yes, of all the stages, I'm not entirely happy with any of them. I think I did okay at Gatton (although I understeered big time at the end of it), and I think I did okay on my 2nd run through Wivenhoe, even though I missed 3rd gear twice.


Autocross track, almost spun the car, far too sideways, far too slow. Dragstrip, understeered into the distance (WTF is wrong with the car, it never used to understeer and now it's all it wants to do), braked too early for garage. Prince Henry Drive, bad gear selections on 80% of the corners, tried to make my 4AGE do 10000RPM, didn't work very well. 1st run through Wivenhoe, took it very very very cautiously, understeered everywhere anyway.


Pauline the nav did very well, far exceeded my expectations. Hal survived, did well. I learnt that my tyres don't fit under my guards, I have no more paint on the insides of my guards anymore. Fuel pump is carking it, it is SO noisy now. Rear tyres are a bit low on thread, passenger side is completely bald, oops.


So yes, navigator and car good, now just to fix the driver :bash:

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