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Jack Stands


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Ladies and Gents,


I was about to go and jack up my Rolla and stick some jack stands under it, but then I read you're not suppose to put a car on 4 jack stands? :blinks:

Any thoughts on this?


I was planning to put the jack stands on each one of the jacking points and place the tyres under the car (also on uneven slopping dirt surface but that's besides the point...)

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What's the reasoning behind not being able to put it on 4 stands?

How different would it be to when a car gets lifted on one of those hoist things at a shop?

I think having it on the stands would be fine, but getting it onto the stands could be sketchy i.e if you were doing it on an uneven sloping dirt surface :glare: lol

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just do it.

shake the car before you get under, if it doesnt fall off when you shake it, you will be fine, i would put the rear ones under the diff, one on each side inline with the springs and at the front either under the radiator support, engine crossmember if its wide enough, or chassis rails just behind engine bay is my usual spot, but i guess you could use jacking points, i just don't like them...

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just do it.

shake the car before you get under, if it doesnt fall off when you shake it, you will be fine, i would put the rear ones under the diff, one on each side inline with the springs and at the front either under the radiator support, engine crossmember if its wide enough, or chassis rails just behind engine bay is my usual spot, but i guess you could use jacking points, i just don't like them...


^^^^^ What he said. Crossmember or chassis rails.

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Like Andy said "Just do it"

Just make sure you give the car a good rocking before crawling under for a sleep :P


Now for the buts,

The idea of uneven ground can be a good but on just how stable the car will be when its lifted high enough for you to fit under the car to have a comfortable sleep, oops, swing a spanner etc.


And another but

Car stands (jack stands) comes in at least two versions

No. 1


I have four of these, their ok but they only have that base of a stand welded at the bottom. I've had a pair flexing that gave me the impression of the welds breaking.

They do the job but its it


No. 2


My father-inlaw has a similar pair. A lot more stable. But they don't have a solid flat surface like the first type so they'll need something to sit on if the ground is soft.


The last but.

Regardless of using a pair or four stands raise the car up in stages to keep some form of balance.

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lol sleep... I just take my time :happy:

Good advice about raising it up in stages, didn't really think about it, not sure how uneven ground is a good thing tho?? :blinks:

My new axle stands seem to be a mix of both, the tops are like yours, but the bottoms are like your father-in-laws.

Edited by TOMsGPTurbo
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lol sleep... I just take my time :happy:

There's been more then once i've woken up to find that i'm still under the car :lol:

Good advice about raising it up in stages, didn't really think about it, not sure how uneven ground is a good thing tho?? :blinks:

The idea of uneven ground can be a good but on just how stable the car will be

How the heck did i manage that :blinks:

What i meant was that its possible on uneven ground but it'll depend on how uneven, or level, the ground is to just how stable the car will be up on the stands.


If you don't mind having to leave the wheels on and big objects in the road, ramps are another option for excellent stability.

Ramps under the front wheels and stands under the back axle. Or vice verse.

The only thing is you don't have the high lift the stands can give.

Those stands of yours are the better ones. If your going to use them on dirt or something not concrete/cement etc then drop into a hardware shop for some 12mm (minimum) thick plywood thats cut to a bigger size then the stands.

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I've had my 911 on 4 stands for months.


As discussed, raise to full height in stages. Be very careful that your trolley jack can move freely across the floor as it lifts as well, you can very easily pull a car off the jackstands if the jack doesn't roll forward.


BUT - honestly, I wouldn't even consider putting a car on jackstands if it wasn't at a minimum, compacted quarry rubble, and dead flat at that. Putting them on dirt/grass/lawn etc is crazy.


Sure people do it all the time, they've never had a problem. Well at least the one's that survive to tell you about it.

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  • 4 months later...

I've seen a 2wd navara come of stands with my mate under it. Lucky he was under the spare tyre and not the diff centre that to this has left a 15mm dent in the road. It was all done by the book. But as stated before shake the shit outta the car first and double check before u get under.

If you can leave the jack under there as 5th point of load but back it off a touch. More points the better.


If u choose ramps i suggest u NOT using the on the driven wheels. I shot a pair 50mts down a drive way and across the road and cracked the gutter when I got wheel spin on a set in a commo once. Lucky no one was walking/driving by!

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I don't really trust stands.. Usually i jack a car up, and stick rims under the 4 wheels of the car (if i don't need the wheels to be off the car)


Flip the wheel over so the face is on the ground and lower the car so the wheels of the car sit on the rim. No chance of coming off and if its a 7j like i use it's usually high enough for me..

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