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I do see your point, but whinging isn't going to change it. Build a quality vehicle that is street driven, and I'm sure you can get it on the cover.

that's the worst part. last year's "street machine of the year" was that orange torana with the turbos sticking out the bonnet, which is one of the VERY FEW elite hall cars that actually gets driven, and driven alot, and driven to and in and around every event it enters. the guy even does burnouts in it!


in the smoty article they asked him "do you think the fact you drive the car has anything to do with your win?" to which he replied "hell yes". i personally think the ex-hilliers' xp or that silver mustang with the twin blowers are more elite and better built cars, some people think the red magna is the most extreme and different car ever to hit australian shows, but the torana gets driven so people have voted for it as the best car of the year


so through peoples actions, it has been proven that i am right and seddo is wrong. magazines should work towards making the scene better like that, they're a force who could influence "elite cars should be USED not just SHOWED" and then everyone wins. but instead, they'd rather just promote trailer queens and make easy money off cars that don't even get STARTED, never mind move under their own power


the elite scene shits me

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I do agree, the fact that that Torana gets driven is awesome. The people that own these cars are the ones who don't drive them, and I don't think anything a magazine does will make them drive them.


Since the majority of the owners of these cars never picked up a spanner to build them, why would they drive them. They don't appreciate the effort that goes into a project like that.

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the hilux had alot of things wrong in princible. it was a overrated truck, but essentially it was over budget and i don't want a daily that handles like crap. a singlecab truck without a tonneau was also the most completely and utterly useless vehicle i have ever owned (and all i've had is little 2 door cars). there was no space to put ANYTHING

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Since the majority of the owners of these cars never picked up a spanner to build them, why would they drive them. They don't appreciate the effort that goes into a project like that


jeeze people shit me, why would this people spend so much money on a car to never drive the damn thing! its ridiculous, and people that have a worked car that they havnt thought through and planned and/or done the work too should be shot, driving a fast car isnt fun unless you know how much pain you went through to get her like that


stoopid heads the lot of them



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*runs and hides* My mr2 became/is a bit of a garage queen, only because i had alot of people threataning to key it/smash it cos they had nothing better to do. I love it to death and love nothing better then to drive it, but it became a hassle when i'd have random people abusing me while driving it. I'm hoping peoples attitudes have changed once it hits the road again in turbo form. I let the rego slip after I copped a defect, epa fine, an insurance premium, 2 lots of reg and one lot of insurance all at once. It hits the road every now and then near my place still to keep it running though.

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Since the majority of the owners of these cars never picked up a spanner to build them, why would they drive them. They don't appreciate the effort that goes into a project like that.


man that is the best thing i've heard all day, couldn't have said it any better myself.


But.......at the end of the day it all comes down to personal preference, attitudes, tastes and all that type of stuff. personally i think that trailor bitches should stay in there sheds and not come out.


the whole ideae behind building up a car to that calibur is to show it off and get exposure. you can't tell me that taking it to a few car shows during the year is going to get it 'known' amongst the car scene. if they were serious then they would get in it, turn the key and DRIVE it. never mind if the sun gets on it, its out there.


ps. planting the right foot will gain more exposure......I'm told.......but not always good.

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I can sort of understand why, after spending the price of a house, on a car, that they don't want to drive it.....but in my opinion....I would rather see a show car with wire hanging out of the guards from the burnout track, than one that has never had a bug hit the windscreen.


Nats cars like Gary Myers Black Mustang are where it's at...it's an immaculately presented car, and he takes it out on the burnout strip and gives it hell for 3 minutes, and usually boils it. If he f@$ks anything, he takes the car home and fixes it himself. Most importantly he has FUN in the car. Not to mention he is one of the nicest "elite showcar" owners I have ever encountered.


Cars were made to be driven, and show/done up cars are made to be driven HARD.


I have alot of respect for the owner of the SMOTY Torana (don't remember his name), he gets in the damn thing and drives it, I say good on him :)


Since I doubt I will ever be in the financial position to build an award winning show car, I guess I can't understand what it's like to own one, but I am pretty sure that if I did, I would wanna drive the damn thing!!

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Ah, ye olde Street Machine debat; since I joined this has been discussed a fair few times.


I love a street driven car way more than trailer queens, yet you still have to appreciate an Elite showcar. If we didnt have these, what influences would we have on our sport/hobby or whatever you would like to call it.


I've been subscribed to Street Machine for close to 5 or 6 years now; that isnt about to change. I feel that it is good to have the elite cars in the magazine, it provides food for thought, ways to improve on/incorporate on my car (well the future one anyway :)).


Darryl McBeth's Magna kicked arse, it sort of broke the barrier (for most) that determined what car would make a good showcar; it was a pioneer.


Don't forget, that the silver Mustang (Silver Bullet) is owned by the same bloke that owns the flamed '66 Mustang (Gary Myers); he has his show car and his thrash car, hes got what he wants. Most of the Elite owners will have a thrash car at home.


So cut them some slack, I reckon.

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but the plan is to have it on the road? yes?

i don't know what it is but alot of mr2 owners have had issues with people threatening their cars...wierd :)



You know your having problems with people abusing your car when a barina rolls besides you, with people in it yelling out that your driving a girls car :(

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